
While there’s technically nothing wrong with having a small penis, sometimes I feel that you have to speak a person’s language, to have an impact. You can’t land a blow to the “masculinity so fragile” crowd with “safe space speak”, the latter of which can enter the dialogue later, if they’re ever capable dialogue.

Wow that’s some serious shitty projection on your part.

As my grandpa and my mom told me growing up, “Buy land. God ain’t making any more of it.”

I can’t even with Trump. I’m slowly realizing that the notion that Trump will not last through 2018 is nothing but wishful thinking. And so, I choose not to think about Trump.

Who are you to decide whether they ‘retraumatize’ themselves or use their stories as therapeutic measure ? Isn’t that a bit patronizing on your part?

I... feel a way about reading these narratives. Even if the women telling these stories told them of their own volition, and wanted them to be shared, what good does it do for us to read them?

I know people of all religions: jews, hindus, muslims, christians, catholics, mormons, buddhists, etc. and in my experience, those who are the best people are those who apply the lessons of their religion, rather than trying to apply the letter of the law directly to their lives.

I know people of all religions: jews, hindus, muslims, christians, catholics, mormons, buddhists, etc. and in my experience, those who are the best people are those who apply the lessons of their religion, rather than trying to apply the letter of the law directly to their lives.
People always talk about how weird or

Said it on Deadspin and I’ll saw it here: His mouth looks like a bleached prolapsed anus. Ughh.

People don’t want to debate, they want to fight.

Maybe — stay with me here — just maybe (I know this will sound crazy at first, but ...) we shouldn’t take hashtag slogans quite so literally and without reflection to such a degree that we write long, hand-wringing, navel-gazing, pearl-clutching columns about their face-value meaning.

“Trust but verify” is just another way of saying “believe women,” which is another way of saying “don’t reflexively disbelieve women.”

If you think for one hot minute that an essential mail order bride is skirting the responsibilities of first lady as a fuck you to the patriarchy, then I guess sometimes we need fantasy in difficult times.

hey friend. quick reminder that submissions for stories that will haunt me for the rest of my days closed LAST MONTH so you can just suck that terror right back from out my head, thanks.

I was just thinking this. Jez shades women who say this kind of shit all the time, but now that they have a boner for this one, she gets a pass. You can find evidence in a two second search even, never mind if you bother digging.

Also an admitted gang banger. But as long as we play cafeteria character traits it all good.

Also Jez throws mixed signals at its readers and its kind of getting old.

Yeah, she’s...not bright. And that has nothing to do with her education level. She doesn’t know the actual definition of the thing she doesn’t want to be called and is being lauded for being, for some strange reason. Not cool.

Plus at this point, if a man is unattached after age 30 it's usually because he doesn't want to commit.