
Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 presentation consisted of an enormous list of 7+ year old OS X features. Google’s Android M presentation at this year’s I/O mostly consisted of features that iOS has had since version 7. Apple’s not the only one getting a few ideas from its competition. They all do it but, somehow, only

Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 presentation was basically a huge list of 7+ year old OS X features that are only now being brought into Windows, so I don’t see anything wrong with implementing a few good ideas from your competition.

Part of being an individual is having the freedom to be true to yourself, regardless of what other people think you should/shouldn’t do. You’re no more of an individual for not taking selfies than you’d be if you took them.

I have the same question. I got the impression that only the digital titles will get that feature, but I really hope they can get it working on the disc-based games.

If this rumor turns out to be true, I'm pretty sure that Apple will turn the "power brick" into an all-purpose hub, with a few more ports. You have to carry it around, so making it more useful by removing ports from the computer and putting them on a redesigned "power brick" might actually work. It hampers the

Most countries don't have and don't actively promote the "[insert country name here] Dream". I love the USA, but it's a country that was founded (and currently runs) on false advertising.

You can't point out that aliens do not exist, because you have no evidence to suggest that. Much like I cannot say that there is no God. As an atheist, I can only believe that there isn't.

Would love to see a comparison between DirectX 11 and Mantle performance with AMD cards!

Yep, Greninja was seriously nerfed with this patch, to the point of making me stop maining him. Transitioning from running to UpSmash is also harder now. It was a heck of a finisher and now it's almost impossible of pull off smoothly.

Kill me now.

The high price here is solely due to that crazy display. A Dell 5K monitor costs exactly the same price. Here, you're getting a free computer inside, as well. :P But, for now, it's a niche product, that's for sure.

Yeah, if you're going for the 5K iMac, be sure to upgrade to the M295X. It's pretty much mandatory in order to handle any kind of 3D rendering task (be it games or actual 3D modelling) at that resolution.

Weirdly, the clips display at 60fps on Safari (OS X Yosemite) as well! They look great!

Did he really draw that concept art? I never knew he was an artist. That's some pretty awesome stuff!

"...not that you can alter them without buying a new machine..."

We have different definitions of what a "visionary" is.

It's a shame that it's going to be an XBLA (timed?) exclusive... Wanted this on PC/Mac! Hopefully, it'll happen sooner or later.

I had no glitches during my first run. They only started appearing when I started a new game for my gf. Missing geometry, messed up animations, sound out-of-sync, etc. Pretty much game-breaking stuff (had to delete her save and start again). Thankfully, these seem to be rare occurrences.

No cross-play? What a horrible decision... They could easily include a number of smaller/less visually cluttered stages for 3DS vs Wii U multiplayer.

That was made clear after he (and others at EA) started referring to this next generation as "Gen 4", as if the industry started with the PSOne.