
Can't tell if this is a bad joke or just another ignorant internet troll expressing his "opinion".

Now playing

My favorite is probably "Song of Healing" from Majora's Mask. "Ode to Order" is amazing as well. I also really love Requiem of Spirit from OoT.

I wasn't implying that Apple users are less dumb. I was just saying that there's a smaller probability for confusion due to the huge difference between the hardware *and* the UI of OS X and iOS. It's not about the people, it's about how a product like the iPad differentiates itself from the rest of Apple's product

There's absolutely no way anyone would buy an iPad thinking it could run OS X and every available Mac application. The UI is sufficiently different for that to be perfectly obvious.

The truth has, indeed, been told. Well done, sir!

I got "tricked" into buying the game thinking it'd be a good standalone alternative to DayZ. Boy, was I wrong! Horrible game (won't even run on my more-than-capable PC), horrible community, horrible support from the developers, horrible everything. Just an attempt to cash in on DayZ's success, by a bunch of

It's more like: they used copyrighted material and made slight alterations to it in Photoshop, in order to not be confused with the original. You know, kind of what they did with their entire game concept.

Alright, I'm going to try talking to them on the chat.

I just sent an e-mail to Xsolla (i bought the game directly through them and not through PayPal - big mistake on my part, btw) and I'm hoping to hear from them soon. Did you try contacting them by e-mail before using the chat or should I just hop on the chat and be done with it?

As soon as the Move was introduced, I thought of this as the perfect PS4 controller. An all-in-one Dualshock/Move hybrid. If this turns out to be true, my level of interest in the PS4 has definitely been raised.

I'd love the ability to switch art-styles, but that's asking too much. I love BoI's art but I have a special place in my gamer heart for 16bit sprites, so I'm actually quite happy to know that they're going in this direction.

Completely agree with that statement regarding both The Cleveland Show and American Dad. But Family Guy has its share of home runs as well.

"...and don't require you to spend 500+ on a tablet Apple will want you to replace in 7 months anyways." Yeah, but they require that you spend $500 on what will surely be a severely underpowered PC that will be outdated and incapable of running modern games as soon as you set it up.

Indeed. I always thought they'd include both cameras. No chance of augmented-reality games on the Wii U, unfortunately. Still, a standardized front-facing camera is a huge deal for a home console.

Whatever the reason, I hope it makes its way to the Wii U later on. I could buy it for my PS3 or 360, but I'd love to play it on the Wii U (mainly due to better hardware and the ability to use the GamePad) and would buy that version if I had the option.

Thank Jebus for digital distribution!

I don't know what are the terms of their contract with Sony, but they should try to release the game on iOS+Android in order to get back some of the money they invested. If I'm not mistaken, the game was built using Unity, so it probably is a fairly easy task to port it to other platforms. I wish them the best of luck!

You're probably right! I just think the issue with Microsoft is that they keep pouring millions into a market that has made its opinion about the Xbox pretty clear, instead of focusing on emergent markets that are way more interested in the company's console and games.

It actually has a deeply emotional campaign with well developed characters and a universe so rich in political and religious references that, in my opinion, completely surpasses Mass Effect's. But yeah, most people assume that Halo is just a mindless FPS.

Sorry if I offended anyone, it was never my intention. I was just kidding and making a seemingly ignorant comment on purpose, in order to joke about the fact that some of the most recent controversial news regarding gaming in Japan have been about the popularity of dating-sims. Again, I'm sorry.