Filip Miucin

While I cannot give any concrete evidence, it seems like, for individual players, a way to “balance” an above average player is to pair them with below average teammates. This leads to some significant frustration, win or lose, (particularly in COD where killstreaks are a MAJOR factor).“

It is incredibly reductive to say that the reason players dislike SBMM is because they want to dominate in “unfair” matches. When I get better at something competitive I want to be better at it than other people. that’s not “unfair,” that’s how competition works. Obviously I don’t want all my matches to be easy and

I played one of the betas (the beta?) some months ago and my primary criticism was that it didn’t do enough with the property to justify being a Gundam game. It’s more of a Gundam-themed game than a true Gundam game and I think there was lots of room to use the property or at least the robotness of the mobile suits to

This seems like the chess equivalent of aimbotting. It might be true but you sound like a sore loser for pointing it out to anyone who isn't convinced.

A $70 copy of a game you can buy for $8 on the same console and no way to upgrade

Freebies doesn’t really describe essentials because it’s a perk for a premium service. At that point you might as well start calling extra and premium freebies as well.

I got out early, 343 treated us all like we were stupid and the people who kept playing proved them right. I don’t even blame Microsoft at this point, it’s clear that 343 is hard committed to fucking Halo up.

Do you mean essentials? Because the Extras catalog is excellent. If you think Extras is crap then I can only assume you don't actually like video games.

Just 10 points? Sounds inefficient compared to resurrection.

Data mining is different with older games. Modern games tend to have things stored in plain text or in readable hexadecimal, provided you know how to expose the data.

So let me get this straight. Netflix prices itself out of the competition, cuts costs because they lost subscribers to services with better value, and then continues to raise prices almost every year and they think a barely advertised mobile game service is going to attract or retain customers?

So let me get this straight. Netflix prices itself out of the competition, cuts costs because they lost subscribers to services with better value, and then continues to raise prices almost every year and they think a barely advertised mobile game service is going to attract or retain customers?

So let me get this straight. Netflix prices itself out of the competition, cuts costs because they lost subscribers to services with better value, and then continues to raise prices almost every year and they think a barely advertised mobile game service is going to attract or retain customers?

Ain’t the law grand? It’s got the potential owner of the franchise saying it ain’t shit while the competition’s talking it up.

They had better games than this.

I’ve watched his videos before and thought "that looks pretty easy" and then the video ended and I actually thought about the project as a real possibility and concluded I was far too dumb to actually complete it.

Baptiste is probably the best individual support in OW2. He only has the 1 offensive ability but it’s easier for him to survive active combat than other supports so he doesn’t get peeled as often. There are better combinations of supports and more survivable ones (looking at Lucio), but his kit seems perfectly suited

The meat and bones of the current meta seems to be “the team whose tank spends the most time alive wins.”

I think he prefers them to chutes.

This is very misleading. By adding an extra step to the process they’re delaying the process by which the consoles circulate, which makes them harder to acquire. They’re adding days or weeks to circulation. Given enough time Sony will eventually produce enough consoles to meet demand, but because they can’t produce