
Woof! woof! woof! woof! woof! And so forth.

for the longest time my favorite wesley snipes movie was major league and i never understood why he didn’t do more comedies, but i guess racism/type-casting is generally the answer.

Is Eddie Murphy pregnant?

So, was SWORD tinkering with Vision? Because that’s what I thought was going on in the blurry screens during Wanda breaking into the facility. All the glares at the Director and the acknowledgment that they specializing in an AI division the episode before only seems to accentuate that.

American sitcoms have been syndicated overseas since I Love Lucy.  Probably on every afternoon after school in Sokovia. (So why don't we have a Gilligan's Island episode?)

Many classic American sitcoms were broadcast in other countries as well. I don’t know the extent to which they were distributed, but it’s not out of the question for her to have grown up with some of them at least.

I had assumed that during Wanda’s time at the Avengers compound she spent watching all that TV with Vision.  Especially when she was on lockdown after what happened in Lagos.

Unfortunately someone YouTube guessed it AND USED HIS PIC AS A FUCKING THUMBNAIL SO I COULDN’T AVOID IT!!! Sigh.

“I’m not buying these figures because I have to...I’m buying them because I CHOOSE to,” Val Kilmer

Jeeps, Harleys and International scouts as well as 1st gen K5 Blazers and Broncos up to say 1975 or so will never make sense to you Ted. Not saying it makes sense to most, but to the crowd that loves these overpriced projects this one looks pretty solid and not at all mucked with.  You will have to replace a bunch of

That’s okay, we’ll stick with a nice Marvel movie. Wait, why does Spiderman have guns? DeadWHAT?

So, I know that we’re definitely supposed to think that Wanda was the one who banished Monica — but given how fast and loose this show is playing with “reality” we don’t actually know if it was her or a still-unseen third party.

The doxxing, rather than dumb t-shirts, is the real story here.

As someone on Twitter pointed out, the goal seems to be showing other fascists they can breeze by security.

I remember when the big fear were the so-called “Michigan Militias” and the next Timothy McVeigh. Funny how we swept all that down the memory hole when we found an excuse to bomb brown people.

In Singapore. That’s good news for Singapore, but this reporting is about the U.S.

“Life goes on. Whatever we need to keep going, it is what it is,” said Clovis resident Claudia Winton. “We’ll take caution and stay out of crowded places. The kids need to have fun.”

I’m nitpicking here, I think it’s a pretty cool A-Team reproduction van and all but..