The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

Well, you need a bedroom for the parents, and a bedroom for each of their 2.3 children, and a guest bedroom that sits empty 98% of the time, four full bathrooms, a giant kitchen with a breakfast nook, a dining room no one ever eats in except on holidays, a living room that no one uses because there's also a den, an

Apropos your apropros: I hold a longstanding grudge against Keith Phipps because his review convinced me to see it in theaters, with my in laws. It really was terrible.

Not just the morning! Wisconsin is one of the few places where bloody marys are considered an all day drink.

I normally enjoy Titus's charming assholishness, but this episode rubbed me the wrong way. He was just a little too mean to his Kimmy, especially after we just had two other episodes about Titus realizing he's a villain and needs to change.

He invented some kind of battery for lamps, I think? So you could have a lamp in the middle of the room and not have a cord.

"What the hell are you wearing, you look like a black guy on Easter."

Racked is a also clothes shopping/fashion site - every single one of their article subjects and regular readers have a weird obsession with clothes.

Yes, it seems to be more socially acceptable to talk about your plans to "survive a zombie attack" versus "encountering fellow human beings during a surmountable disaster".

Yes! There are a huge number of delicious beers, in a wide range of tastes and styles. But Xan will not find them at a freshman party, they only allow shitty lagers at those.

4) "I'm not a baby!", while sucking on that no doubt crappy beer.

Gentrification might on the whole be a good thing, but there are winners (the city, landowners) and losers (original tenants). In the case of the show, it might end up pitting Lillian against Titus and Kimmy, especially if Lillian actually takes up with the grocery store tycoon.

This is the second episode in a row where Kimmy had very little interaction with any of the other main characters, and I usually prefer it when the cast has more of a chance to bounce off each other.

Ellie Kemper's delivery was perfect in that exchange. So kindly and matter of fact.

I loved Taskrabbit just for the throwaway joke of Kimmy blowing up the inflatable rat while the union strikers/protesters stood around.

Ramesh and Nisha seem pretty chill. I'm guessing once Dev showed them his checks for the Gogurt commercials they were fine with him acting.

Oh, they're not kidding. The story was real, and the terrible title is too. Warner Bros bought the rights and it's been stuck in development hell for years now.

Ah, so that's what he said. All I heard was "something something ping pong ball eyes" and then they were on to the next joke and I didn't have time to figure it out.

And it went amazing, and I didn't eat anyone

That was my reaction to the dead tooth joke. So repulsive.

I know you just wanted to get a quick Trump jab in, but your joke doesn't make any sense. There's nothing in Kimmy's character that would make her a Trump voter:
-she's intellectually curious
-doesn't have any resentment toward immigrants
-she spent 15 years in a bunker, avoiding most of the rabid Clinton hate
-she only