The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

If you were shown a picture of him and a picture of Michael Sheen, and were asked "Who should be named Wesley Snipes?", you'd pick the pale Englishman every time.

6. Ingest large amounts of cocaine while on set?

Gravity is the only 3D movie I've seen. It was actually a great experience, but I have no particular desire to ever see another 3D movie, or see Gravity again.

I'd like to unreservedly say "Yay! Korra!", but I was pretty underwhelmed by the previous Avatar comics. This is a pretty good review though, so I'll probably end up buying the trade.

Yep, Turn Loose Our Death Rays is a complete collection that combines the other two.

My sister-in-law gave my daughter a tutu made of glittery tulle. Up until
that point I'd thought we had a really good relationship, but I now
realize she must secretly hate all of us.

The collections are great, and a perfect a case where you can judge a book by its title:

I had the same experience with a 70mm showing. The only time the sound was unpleasant was during a couple scenes when Tommy is pinned down with shots going by right next to his head, and then the shooting in the trawler , where the excessive volume seemed intentional.

Regarding the Dawsons, keep in mind that they'd recently lost their son/brother, their country was on the verge of being invaded, and they were near France, hours from any medical help but tantalizingly close to the soldiers they'd come to rescue. Also, not to stereotype, but they are English, so stiff upper lip and

It was a random British soldier who'd fallen asleep under his coat and woke up to find that he'd been left alone on the pier, and that he'd come very close to inadvertently being left behind. It seemed like it was included as another example of how chance and timing determined who lived or died.

Not sure what you're looking at. 99% of the comments on this review are either about Bane, watching porn in 70mm, or arguing about how much of a hack Christopher Nolan is.

The New York article says he's renting, which makes more sense. Hope the landlord got a safety deposit!

I'm driving 30 minutes out of my way so that I can watch Dunkirk in 70mm! I don't think I'm better than anyone, Im just really excited to see this movie.

I think Baby was (rightfully) concerned about his lifespan if he was no longer an integral part of the heist.

Yeah, I don't have a problem with his in-show fate, because GoT is pretty consistent about how Westoros is a horrible, terrible place. It's the part where the author cheered about the death of a kid.

It's a portrait of Oy, surrounded by roses, with the words Thankee-sai above it in Gothic script.

All Men Must Die also thought it was "awesome" when the Night Watch killed a child and had a closeup of his corpse, so yeah, this column might be written by psychopaths.

Both, probably? The books cover several decades of the main character's life.

The fact that he received parole sort of indicates that he wasn't in Federal prison then, yes? Also, his prison uniform had DOC instead BOP, and a Google Image search shows that Georgia inmates have white uniforms similar to what was in the movie.