The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

Those are for kids, especially kids whose parents won't let them eat sugary cereals at home.

It looks like some random schlub managed to casually sidle into a photo op. He's not even looking in the same direction as the other two.

Secret Civil War.

Well, the interview focused on the insults quite a bit, and this site posts so many Trump articles that everyone here has probably already hashed and rehashed the subject of Simon's political opinions.

He's Frankenstein’s monster if his monster was made entirely of dead, 6-foot 5-inch dicks.

They were universally despised Lost characters. Viewers called for their deaths, and the show runners delivered.

No kidding. The fourth picture is a particularly unflattering angle.

Is this how Ben Wheatley got involved? Because I'm curious why Hollywood would give him a bunch of money to make a crab people movie.

I liked him in The Lone Ranger. The movie itself is a mess, so I can't really recommend it, but Hammer is surprisingly good playing an awkward dork.

Madrox isn't dead. That was a dupe, and no one will ever convince me otherwise!

Spiders are fine by me. Centipedes, though, are creatures from hell, and need to be sent back from whence they came.

Yeah, the header image on this article is legitimately unnerving, but the rest of them did nothing for me.

*Paul Simon sobs, runs away crying*

The book the show will be based on was really mediocre, and "guy who worked on a couple of shorts" and "Sausage Party producer" don't really sound like the types who can elevate the material.

Puffin Rock is great. If you're looking for another pleasant show with soothing Irish accents, I'd recommend Lily's Driftwood Bay.

Funny, I thought he was much older. He was featured in a section of Jon Ronson's Them!:Adventures with Extremists that occurred nearly 20 years ago. I guess he started his career as a nutter at a very young age.

But Gold's posters aren't retro. They aren't imitating an older style, they're just old.

That…doesn't make any sense. Nothing in your spoiler makes ANY sense. Not from a storytelling standpoint, not from a character motivation standpoint, nothing.

I think Adam was a vague threat with no real plan because he wasn't originally intended to be the Big Bad - Maggie Walsh was. The show couldn't get her scheduled for the number of episodes they wanted, so they had to come up with a backup plot.

She hoped to get home from the bar without incident, but drunk, vegan rage kicked in when she saw the chicken truck.