The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

Start with Excalibur #1, by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis. It's a relatively fresh start for the team, and since it's written by Claremont, there's plenty of exposition to catch you up on things that happened in other books. It's a fairly lighthearted, weird book.

I disliked the movie for most of the reasons listed in this thread, but the final straw was when Cyclops began shooting laser beams out of his eyes. They're force beams, dammit!

They're not killing off the X-Men - there's a hideously named event called ResurrXion coming up, and then several new X books will be launching.

Me too, until I read the part about dipping your nose-grease into the beer.

He's not her boyfriend, just her roomate/coworker/crush.

It might be slightly more accurate to say that the Democrats overestimated the amount of people who would show up and vote D. Trump had 1 million fewer votes than Romney, but Clinton had 6 million fewer votes than Obama.

The high performing school their kids go to is overcrowded, so NYC was going to move the school several blocks away, next to a housing project. It would have relieved the overcrowding and the school population would have more accurately reflected the neighborhood. Many of the (mostly white, gentrifying) parents were

March vs Nextwave

No, that's pretty much it. The X-men have from the beginning consisted of child militias.

Eh, Scott was the one who decided to ask for therapy/marital counseling from the woman he'd been lusting over and who'd recently blatantly propositioned him, so it's kinda on him as well.

It was done quite well and fairly naturally with Kitty Pryde and Jubilee back in the 80s, which were the comics current writers grew up reading, and modern superhero comics are very much about constantly referencing events that have happened in the past.

My brother-in-law did the exact same thing. He ended up hating being in the military, though, and it may have affected his enthusiasm for being a cop. I haven't heard anything recently about him applying to a police academy.

Don't forget that they're pro-gentrification, which is totally on par with racism, transphobia, and misogyny.

Berg directs in his trademark “whatever” handheld style.
Ha. Seems like Ignatiy always has at least one great line per review. The "dirty ursid ass" line dropped in the Passage to Mars review was also fantastic.

They're saving MedievalWorld for after the last season of Games of Thrones. Think of the savings in costumes and actors with English accents.

Ed Harris. But he's supposedly a human who hunts down the hosts, instead of vice versa.

Another vote for Omega Men.

He was in a bad sitcom a few years ago where the premise seemed to be based around him and his friends taking care of their children, because men being the main caregivers of their own children is, of course, hysterical.

I'm trying to picture how a stripper would even dance to Wish You Were Here. Did she just slowly head bang with her eyes partly closed, while yell-singing along? Because that's what I do when I hear that song.