The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

I love A Distant Mirror. It's the first book I read where I realized that the past really, really sucked, and that somehow traveling back in time wouldn't be some grand adventure, but would instead lead to my horrible death.

Grunt was really good, and also kind of gross. There's a description of something called "deck slap" that now haunts me, and some really unpleasant details about what an IED does to the human body.

I've undergone a ton of orthodontic work and dental surgery, and I have a phobia about my teeth breaking or falling out. I recently read Smile while I was sick and feverish, and I actually had to put the book down because the accident and treatment made me feel dizzy and faint (there's a particular panel that depicts…

Maggi noodles don't have lead in them, but the rumors that they contain lead have apparently cost Nestle over half a billion dollars in sales. Fortune had an article that went into how India's regulatory and cultural issues ended up costing Nestle so much over what seemed like a simple misunderstanding.

Ooh, I would love a movie about the sailing ship battles during the War of 1812. Maybe Peter Weir can direct, and get Russell Crowe to star as the captain…

And then Barsanti actually did make a typo in his name in the article. Or he just refused to call a grown man "Scoot" again.

Seriously, crinkle cut fries are such bullshit.

I was very confused why he suddenly started talking about pho in the middle of his moose nose anecdote, so thank you for clarifying.

It's pretty good, but was cut short due to low sales so it didn't have much time to explore the storyline.

Did you read Peter David's most recent X-Factor series? He made the subtext much, much weirder by having them both be interested in Danger.

I'm guessing Karma wasn't left out because she's gay, but because otherwise there'd be "too many" women characters. I am surprised they would use Warlock instead of Cypher - he has a built in story arc (Amazing power that he considers useless because it doesn't help him punch things).

It would be nice to get a decent representation of Emma Frost, instead of whoever the hell January Jones was playing in First Class.

Birds have a nictitating membrane that sweeps across their eye to protect them and provide moisture.

Superhero comics' insistence on filling in backstory and making everything connected has always irritated me. Not everything has to be explained in (usually underwhelming) detail.

You didn't miss much. Habibi was pretty, but overlong and the story was kind of a muddle.

I think the general consensus is that Bojack really kicked in to gear in the seventh episode of season one, and it's been consistently hilarious (but also incredibly depressing) since then.

I go back and forth on Schall, but she was fantastic this episode. I laughed throughout the whole princess opening, and the speed and timing of her relapse was perfect.

Oooh, that's drywall, where the hell did I hide the cocaine?

Lady Dynamite is at least somewhat autobiographical, with Bamford telling the story of her mental breakdown, the immediate aftermath, and how she deals with her mental illness going forwards. It's also really funny, which helps any show overcome weaknesses in concept.

It's Dale Dickey, apparently. She might be up to it.