The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

That seems like it's more NBC's fault than Brazil's, and you can never rag on NBC too much.

The white board of nominees has at least the top ten best background gags.
For a non whiteboard gag, I'm going to go with the hummingbird that was hovering around stealing people's drinks.

The Tom Hardy joke is great. For some reason I really like it when the show lampshades the animal jokes, like the hardware store (but like for animals) from season 1.

Ha, OK. I didn't know there were questions about the memoir. I did know that there is a YA fantasy book by the same name, because it was sitting in a prominent place at my library for several weeks, misleading most people who saw it.

Wrong Glass Castle.

That's what's wrong with those photos (besides the murder and clowns). I couldn't figure out how or why portions of each photos were so blurry.

They did, it was called Hip Hop and You Do Stop, by Nathan Rabin.

I am very curious as to how much firing PC was Bojack's idea, and how much was from Spanakopita.

Veal Tears
Oh, that is sick. It's almost as if the characters live in some strange dystopian society.

Dennis apparently has a real job now, and no longer needs to create and eat disgusting concoctions for our amusement.

Mine, too. I did enjoy the hint of a rivalry between Princess Carolyn and Ana Spanakopita.

IT wasn't totally out of nowhere, though. He got a little nasty when hosting HSAC!WDTK?DTKT??LFO!

But it has. The first 10 years were consistently amazing, and the last 15 years have been consistently mediocre.

The new Thief just frustrates and upsets me. They had two excellent Thief games, one pretty good Thief game, and one pretty good clone they could have used as a basis, and instead we got…that.

My Hellboy read through has hit a minor snag, because my library system doesn't have Volume 5. It has volumes 1-4, and it has volumes 6-10, but not 5. I sent in a request for them to repurchase it, but haven't gotten a response. From what I've heard, volume 5 is pretty important to the series, so I don't want to skip

I voted for Superman-Secret Identity when it was just the Busiek titles, but now that you've added Swamp Thing, Planetary, and Fantastic Four it's harder to choose…

I should really quit the The Binding of Isaac. I've only got a couple of post-it items left, but they're for the not-fun characters. Each run is just more teeth grinding frustration, but I just can't seem to stop.

Needs some trench foot and tuberculosis.

I looked at his son's IMDB page, and in his first few projects he's actually credited as "Scott Reeves". He must have decided that making it on his own is for suckers and switched over to the Eastwood name.

What is this? I don't …what is this?