Dr. Katz
Dr. Katz
I am rather amused that after all the "she should be in jail!" stuff, the Republican presidential candidate will soon be going on trial for racketeering.
I'm going to vote for Superman Secret Identity, because I've been meaning to read more Superman.
Not only are they not discerning, they will insist on watching the same crummy show over and over, while ignoring all the beautifully animated and non-insanely annoying shows.
I wonder if they'll get into some political arguments on set. That could make for some fun Newswires.
Counterpoint: The We've Got the Scoop on Sextina's Scoop! headline was very funny.
Bojack Horseman, Six Feet Under, and…? There must be other shows, right?
I'm going to have to go with Bread Poot.
Sextina Aquafina is always funny, but Princess Carolyn had my favorite lines this episode.
The valet and bellboy jokes were my favorite animal background jokes this episode, especially the increasingly ridiculous kangaroo jokes.
I only skimmed through my copies of Maus this time around, but I've read it several times in the past, most recently when MetaMaus came out.
Speigelman evens comments on how it doesn't quite fit for everything, when he and his wife talk about how she should represented. He was going to draw her a frog, but she argues that since she converted, she should get to be a mouse.
MetaMaus contained an interview Spiegleman gave about why he chose mice: http://www.nybooks.com/dail…
Wanted was so awful and ugly that I've never bothered to read another Millar book. And supposedly, Nemesis is even worse.
jongorski has brought up the metaphor several times in response to CWII, but his comments tend to be rather short (and grumpy) so I suppose it's hard to get a discussion going.
If the solicitation is correct, that Captain Britain trade is definitely incomplete. It seems to be missing several issues from Alan Moore's run, and only has the last issue of the Jamie Delano run.
The scene with Bojack trying to set the baby down went on so long that I started wondering if it was supposed to be an homage to the Sideshow Bob rake joke. The rest of the hijinks moved a little bit more quickly and I enjoyed them more.
I felt really bad for Kelsey. She did not look like she was having a good time at POFF.
I think the eel was grinning, too, like he'd really enjoyed finally getting to zap someone.