The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

I cracked up at the baby snake rattle, and then lost it when Bojack was Tased by the eel. It was a good start for the episode.

Needs more Lindsey. You never give her credit for anything.

There was a Juno reference - Todd's friend called him homeslice.

She's really quite terrifying. I'm kind of nervous about what she did to the manatee reporter to squash the story.

He's going to be in the new Dan Brown movie, which is probably not something you were hoping for.

Well, yes, because these wonderfully written, idiosyncratic books really don't sell very well and the house adventures…also don't sell very well anymore, but they do sell more.

I was pleased for figuring it out, and it made me wish I had the time and inclination to reread more books, because I think I'd get a lot more out of them.

That thing is a cat? I thought it was some sort of huge, carnivorous hamster.

There's no real direct references, but the boy sort of describes seeing a cactus person walking on the mountain, and his mother thinks it might have been "someone from your father's city", possibly New Crobuzon. Ranting spiders (Weavers) are mentioned as mythical monsters that live on the mountain, and the boy draws

I read China Mieville's novella This Census-Taker, and enjoyed it. I actually read it twice, because it was rather oblique, and short. It was much easier to piece together on the second read, and I also became more convinced that the book really is set in Bas-Lag.

Plump, kissable clown lips—oh so kissable.

He's either dumb as hell, or just doesn't care, which actually makes the whole thing even creepier.

Nope, they're not not made up. The Casefiles were the early nineties, gritty reboot of the Hardy Boys. And the Ultra Thrillers were kind of nutty sci fi.

So replace "the conceit" with "a very common conceit" in mem359's comment. Do you disagree with it now?

I'd say they're just trying to keep it together while on the phone with their daughter. And the dad's repeated blurting things out is evidence that he's having a hard time.

Maus I, or the Complete Maus?

There was a really good profile of Rae in the New York Times describing the issues she was having navigating Hollywood and getting her show picked up. Nice to see that she landed at HBO.

Goon was great - very charming and funny.

Was it unusually hot where you live three years ago? Okra needs sun and heat, or it can't keep the wilts at bay.

How much time is he spending in the bathroom, that not shitting would increase his productivity that much? Tell him to eat some fiber.