The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

I love old-timey candies, especially the type that are designed to rip your teeth out of your head. Bit-O-Honeys, Charleston Chews, Slow Pokes and Sugar Daddies are great.

My favorite is agave nectar, which sounds so natural and healthful, but actually has more sugar in it than good old high fructose corn syrup.

I enjoyed Morgan's description of the ranch Bugles, it was very evocative. I kinda hate Bugles though.

But did they really need babies right now, while they're stuck on overcrowded ships with limited supplies, being constantly hunted? Why wasn't Roslin willing to wait until they found the planet she was so sure existed and would be their salvation?

Thanks to your comment, I just spent the last half hour rereading Donna Bowman's Newsradio reviews. It was time well spent.

Who let the guy with the police sketch face of a rapist in here?

Criminal by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips is a great crime book. Actually, anything by Brubaker and Philips is probably a good place to start.

I never would have thought Elijah Wood could look menacing, but he has a surprisingly mean looking glower.

I'm a little worried about what's going on in Delaware. Or what may happen, as it were.

Haha, the Diane voice was amazing. How does Bamford even do that?

I tried to watch Longmire because I like the books and I like Sackhoff, but man was that a dull, dull show.

Insurance seems like one of those things that people would rarely change once they've chosen a company, so it would make sense for SF to aim their commercials at young, hip folks.

As long as he stays away from Princess Caroline. He's just no good for her.

The first two episodes were amusing, but this episode finally sold me on the series. The pool scene was great, and Bamford's semi-pained, hysterical screaming during the commercial was really funny.

He's not even the first mutant- Selene is several thousand years older. Apocalypse just has a better publicist.

She doesn't actually like Hamilton. (Psycho) Margot Robbie just knows that Hamilton is very popular right now and that the poster design doesn't clash with her furniture.

Shia will be showing his dedication to the craft by growing out his hair to an exact copy of McEnroe's heinous feathered mullet.

Stephen Russell, who voiced Garrett in the first three Thief games. When I heard he hadn't been brought back for the last game, I knew it wasn't going to be worth bothering with.

I'm never sure how seriously to take gimmick accounts, but PAD's first X-Factor run is available on Marvel Unlimited.

Oh yeah, those issues are among the worst art in a mainstream comic that I've read.