The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

The other main downside to that run is Larry Stroman's art, which is…an acquired taste.

From my vague recollection, the building is so self sufficient that the occupants have no reason to go outside, and they eventually become so used to staying inside that it just doesn't occur to them that they can leave. And then everyone goes kind of nuts and becomes incredibly tribal and determined to hold onto the

That really is the ironic curse of parenting.

And Charlize Theron is sitting and admiring her new boat, or furniture set made out of bundles of money, or whatever it was that she bought with her $10 million dollar paycheck.

Don't tell Tina Belcher what to do.

Peppers, potatoes, peas and carrots for me. Basically things that the friggin squirrels can't destroy. I also have a small strawberry patch that I literally have to encase in chicken wire and garden fence to keep out the pests.

Nice work if you can get it, and if you get it, nice work.

Mine was: Nooo! This is tea! *ice cube clink*

Tina Fey is great when acting in things she's written, and less great when she's acting in other people's things and/or collecting a paycheck.

This kind of sounds like the FX miniseries Thief, but Thief was excellent and starred Andre Braugher, who's about 100 times better actor than Vince Vaughn, even if Vince wasn't sleepwalking through a movie. I'd recommend people just watch Thief instaed, but I don't think it was ever released on streaming or DVD.

Sim was pretty insulting to to Tasha Robinson when she interviewed him for this site. And he apparently depicted Jeff Smith's wife in a very unflattering way in a comic. But those are more dickish behaviors as opposed to harassment.

I still have the Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge collections my Dad gave me when I was 5 or 6. These are the books introduced me to comics and they're in surprisingly good shape. I'm going to pass them along to my kid once she moves past the "tearing pages out of books is fun!" phase.

The perfect rectangle of hair around the lower part of his head was pretty funny.

I really enjoyed Titus's adventures in parenting. My kid recently turned 3, and it's been…a difficult time. A couple of months ago, I was respected, adored, and listened to. Now, I'm just Kate Winslet.

Me too! It was really unexpected seeing Kimmy break down so completely. This was a pretty emotional episode overall. Titus and Lillian's sweet conversation also got to me.

Brandon forcing himself to stay in the closet to make Cyndee happy is another one of the shows very funny but also deeply sad plots. Especially when contrasted with Titus's quiet happiness when he talked about how he could now get married and have a family.

Andrea's just so sick of listening to all that weak tit Manhattan angst.

Kimmy's thousand yard stare in the opening moments was disturbing, but watching her switch on when she heard rooster man was hilarious (but still disturbing).

I wasn't really surprised; as I said, I know about the real life incidents, and I know about real life sexual assault statistics. I suppose my comment might be bit unclear - I'm not unhappy the show is dealing more directly with Kimmy's abuse, I'm just unhappy that Kimmy had to undergo that abuse.

In hindsight it's clear, but at the time it was a quick, surreal cutaway, that occurred soon after Kimmy enthusiastically made out with the tutor guy.