The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

Oh nooooooo, that is such a bad idea. Ellie Kemper is pregnant right now, too.

This episode made me rather unhappy, because it did quite firmly imply that Kimmy and the other women did endure sexual abuse in the bunker. I know it makes sense based on the real life incidents and the move to Netflix allowing them to go there, but I'd been hoping the weird sex stuff was willingly between the women.

Squirrel Girl isn't a mutant. It's not clear what she is exactly, but she's definitely not a mutant and doesn't have to worry about losing her powers and horrible reactions to Terrigen mists and whatever.

Yes, exactly! I love how fearless she is and how she commits to everything Tina Fey throws at her.

The contraption workers was my second favorite scene this episode. "I have a tail! A little tail!"

Jaqueline rolling herself up in the absurdly expensive rug was utterly hilarious. And then it somehow became even more hilarious when she was unrolled into a perfectly composed listening position.

That was Cyndee Pokorny? She helped Kimmy put a mad man in jail?

The Talbots-ing was a great. I'm pretty sure there was an actual burlap sack on the dress rack.

Rachel Dratch played around 5 or 6 different parts on 30 Rock, one as a hallucinated blue poorpet thing, and another as a violent and vengeful Elizabeth Taylor. I don't think Fey/Carlock shows have any problem with either reusing actors or silliness.

People who are into improv are really into improv.

Lauren Adams has absolutely perfect crazy eyes. And a wonderfully insane smile to go with them.

That is awesome.

I think Blevins must be drunk, too, and that's why he didn't link to the relevant TV Club review.

Ha, I didn't pick up how ridiculous the dog's name is until your comment.

That's Inception. Although I haven't seen Interstellar, so maybe Nolan really likes tops?

House of M was decent, but it set up a rather terrible status quo for the X-men, so I kind of retroactively hate it. That's not really Bendis' fault, though.

Avengers vs. X-men was a forced, overlong mess. To make any sense whatsoever, it had to completely ignore the existence of a long established character (Rachel Grey), pretend that Cyclops and Captain America don't know each other, and turn all the Avengers into morons. And it was 12 damn issues long!

Did Stewart try to pay for his food and lodging, or did he really expect people in one of the poorest parts of the world to just give him stuff?

I reread Junji Ito's The Enigma of Amigara Fault, because I was wondering if it was as insane as I remembered (it was). This time I read it on my tablet, and learned by zooming in that the last panel has some truly disconcerting detail.

Speculatively, it occurs to me that, in the past, younger prostitutes would often claim to be virgins […] or the claim would be made for them […]. It's conceivable that in certain places, at certain times, such claims would have been so common that men who paid for sex might have begun to use the word "virgin"