The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

It does look pretty funny, I laughed at the ridiculous costume panel.

Brubaker's DD is possibly even more of a misery-fest than Bendis's run. It does have the advantage of being shorter, and better written.

It's like they never played Oregon Trail or something. Measles kills, dammit!

Indeed. Now all that's happened is it's given Wakefield and the other nutters more "evidence" for their it's-all-a-conspiracy bullshit.

I dont' know. I'm not even sure it was intentional, even though it's not exactly an obscure story line, but I've never seen any commentary on it whatsoever. And I don't think the fact that Danger has a kid (who's also kind of her rapist) has ever been addressed in the comics. It's very weird.

X-Men: Legacy is interesting but kind of a mess. X-force started strong but ended up as a total mess. And his X-Club miniseries was kind of a retelling of the old "Ms. Marvel gets raped and nobody cares" story line. So, kind of a mess.

Saga vol. 4, which I did not like as much as the first three volumes. The pace has gone from decompressed to glacial, and the shocking! violence is getting a little tiresome. Art is still amazing, of course.

Eh, Oliver, Afghanistan isn't a Middle Eastern country; it's part of South Asia (or sometimes Central Asia).

It's actually little funny how incomprehensible your comment becomes if you don't know who Matt Fraction is.

Just so we're clear, everyone immediately thought of ice cream when they saw the title of this review, right?

Don't forget the part where he tortures people, permanently disfigures them, and sets them up to be murdered in prison!

It’s hard to learn the value of human life when your late foster father, moral compass of the previous movie, suggests that protecting your secret identity may be more important than saving a busload of drowning children.

Wait, does he use his MacGuyver abilities to get away from the terrorists, but is also forced to leave his fellow hostages behind? Because that sounds a bit tonally off from what you'd expect from a MacGuyver show.

It's the band name, obviously. It's odd and horrible.

Westmark is great, and quite dark for a children's series.

Hey, actors have mortgages too, y'know. And boats and drug habits.

If you like ketchup on your hot dog, that’s fine with me. It’s just a tube steak.
Making a dick joke and trolling people who take steak too seriously at the same time, perfect.

They say if you bite down on a Burger King hotdog right at the point of climax, the hot dog juice gives you the jolt you need to not pass out and die.

I think we just found Dennis Lee's alt account.

The pre-Secret Wars run of Squirrel Girl. This series is chock full of whimsy, silly jokes, and meta-humor and it is really not for me. I did laugh at Squirrel Girl getting into a grammar argument with Galactus.