The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

How does everything I read about this book keep making it seem worse?

The book did, but who knows if that means anything.

Funny, I thought Moore's Capt. Britain was quite spare in his writing, because my basis of comparison is Chris Claremont.

So it's better than Edmondson and Noto's oh-so-beautiful but incredibly dull Black Widow?

Did you talk about the Packers at all? Then, yes.

As Chuck Noblet notes above, they really are for tourists. I go to one once a year during a trade convention, which is about all I can handle. It is a lot of booze, food, and ice cream drink.

Christ, fish boils. Where the main attraction is sitting in a circle around the pot, literally watching the fish boil.

So there's brandy sweet and whiskey sour…what was the mysterious third type?

Holy shitsnacks!

That's because you think these people become complete and utter idiots when they see a celebrity. It's quite understandable if you assume they were always idiots.

It's a miracle!

The omnibus is only about half Moore's issues, IIRC. The rest is the Marvel Superhero shorts, some fill-in writers on Mighty World of Marvel (seriously, convoluted) and Delano's run. You're better off just grabbing the Captain Britain trade paperback and filling in the rest with MU.

If reading original X-men comics doesn't break you of the completionist habit, than nothing will. On the plus side, now you get to read entertaining X-men comics. Enjoy Chris Claremont's 17-year run!

Moore's run is not available on MU except for the few 6-page Marvel Superhero excerpts that started off his run.

Moore's run is readily available in used trades. I got mine for a reasonable price on amazon.

Heh, Oglaf. I once got a nasty malware infection after visiting that site, which is so totally fitting.

You might have made the right choice. It had been updating really slowly - I think he move across country right after starting it.

Oh, I don't really read or follow DC, so now I don't have to be puzzled and irritated when I see that Humphries has somehow scored yet another relatively prominent book.

Hark, A Vagrant - My favorite, unfortunately not updating very frequently because Kate Beaton is making money selling her books.
Octopus Pie - My second favorite, unfortunately is ending soon.
Sarah's Scribbles
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella
Strong Female Protaganist

Alans Moore and Davis' classic run of Captain Britain: Allow me to introduce you to the Fury. It kills superheroes. It never gives up.