The Pig Belongs to All Mankind

Tom King signed a DC exclusive, and that's bad. But Sam Humphries also signed a DC exclusive, and that's good.

This article was weird. Not a single joke about how promiscuous my mother is? You're slipping, Dennis.

This article was weird. Not a single joke about how promiscuous my mother is? You're slipping, Dennis.

Just google "Where's my money, honey?"

That's…dumb. This doesn't look like it's supposed to be an all ages book, so why would you base the characters off a kiddie cartoon.

I have Marvel Unlimited, so I normally just wait for Marvel books, and I don't really like buying floppies anymore, but The Vision is so good I'm actually visiting the comic store each month to get it.

Shhhh, he's happier this way.

I think it's "basic".

The lettering on Soft Float looks pretty bad, too - just sloppy and poorly laid out. The split "nothing" is especially bothersome.

But Elixir was already killed in that Wolverines book. Did Bunn revive him just to really, truly kill him off? Was he revived because of Secret Wars? The character death/resurrection cycle is getting even more ridiculous; I can't even keep track of what's going on anymore.

The Immonens' Russian Olive to Red King, which was excellent but very bleak. It has a near perfect depiction of the dazed confusion and hopelessness that occurs during grief.

Tom King has said he's doing at least 12 issues of The Vision.

I read the first 20 issues of The 'Nam, Doug Murray's comic about the life of infantrymen during the Vietnam War, which was recently uploaded to Marvel Unlimited. It was written in the late 80s for an all ages audience and presents everything from the soldiers point of view, which leads to some strange moments where

That is the Homan Square Facility, which is still actually operating. The Cook County Board just passed a resolution asking the Dept. of Justice to include Homan in their investigation of the Chicago police.

She's got the right look and it would play to her acting strengths, plus I bet she'd be really cheap and willing to sign an 8 picture deal or whatever Disney is requiring now.

Wilson's daughter is very ill with a heart condition, so she's cutting back her workload. I think the only book she's staying on is Ms. Marvel.

I was being a bit facetious about the costs. I really do think the corrosion control was initially overlooked, that the DEQ rubber stamped their review of the water source change to the river and missed it, and that many of the people involved simply ducked their heads down and desperately hoped the problem would just

Well, chemical addition costs money - the number I've seen is that it would have cost $100/day to add caustic or ortho-phosphate to the distribution system. It wouldn't do to have 1/3 of the cost savings from the water source change disappear like that.

Magnetic Prince Albert, maybe?

I remember very little about the book, but I want to say that part of it's because the transfer isn't automatic, you need control of the doohickey in your brain and a body to actually transfer into.