
“The plot is paper thin.”

I’d say the tree would be a spoiler because in the background, you can see Princess Peach’s castle, which wasn’t confirmed, or even really expected, to be in the game. I’ll totally admit that if I had seen that picture before I actually got there, I would have been a tiny bit disappointed, but not much.

Oh, I’m so sorry, I had no idea! Thanks for informing me of this so I’m a little less ignorant of it in the future, though. :)

Modern day pirates are just assholes. “Old day” pirates literally killed people and stole from the poor, not just giant companies. I’m not saying stealing from anyone is okay. It isn’t, but if you steal from the poor, they can starve to death.

Yes! That might be my favorite outfit!

THis has been an expensive year for me. Zelda made me get the Switch, and Horizon made me get the PS4...

The original Xenoblade Chronicles had great voice acting and XCX had okaaaaaay voice acting, with some really good and really bad performances thrown in as well. But as hyped as I am for XC2... that voice acting, man...

Welp, I guess I’ve gotta move to Tokyo now...

You know, I’ve never had any interest in CoD’s multiplayer, but I might very well enjoy the single player campaigns. Still, no way in hell I’m doing that this year what with everything else coming out!

I’m good with my original PS4, but I’m glad these enhancements exist for the people who are into that sort of thing.

Yeah, maboi Andre Segers!

As someone who ONLY owned a Wii U as a console, I can’t tell you how awesome it is for Nintendo to actually be doing well again.

Yes, I agree. This sounds obnoxious, and I’m right there with them.

Yes, you’re totally right. But the signs themselves just said stuff to the effect of “We hate Halloween,” and I just thought it was really funny out of context. :)

My grandmother actually passed away on halloween when I was a kid, and I didn’t go trick or treating much after that. Those new halloween trains look hella cute, though.

Here’s your friendly neighborhood reminder to only play the PC version if 1) you own the game on Wii U or Switch, or 2) you live in a country where the game isn’t sold. :)

Fire Emblem Warriors is coming to New 3DS, but not the originals. :)

True, but it’s also the prettiest comic. Still, ugly and funny is a lot better than pretty and no freaking idea wtf is going on. (not to say the others are ugly.)

Some of these look like finished indie titles, and that’s not a criticism. ;)

I literally know someone named Jack Russell. I’m not even kidding.