
XD that’s great!
I vividly remember the day my girlfriend’s dad gave me his approval. She was talking about “Carmina Barata” and at the same time I said “It means no worries” and her dad said “Hakuna Matata.” Immediately following that, I think he knew I was a safe choice. =P

XD Sonic should wax philosophy with them in his cheesy voice. Or Shadow could have some edgy philosophy about the slushies.

Sonic Mania helped bring Sonic back, so maybe we need Hooters Mania! Since Sonic had old stages brought back, we should have old ladies that used to work at Hooters decades ago come back as waitresses! It’s foolproof!

What about the Switch Pro Controller? That thing controls like a dream.

Here’s your friendly reminder that playing BotW on PC is only okay if you BOUGHT THE GAME ON WII U OR SWITCH FIRST. (:

I know what I’m doing on July 11th. NES Golf and crying.

No Odyssey for Super Mario Odyssey? Come on!

I loved Gravity Falls so much, but without the old art studio and Alex Hirsch’s fantastic writing and voice acting, it just won’t be the same. I remember the 3DS game having great writing from what I saw of it, but the gameplay looked the most bland thing ever, so I couldn’t justify getting it. Protect the Light, on

I sit for every game except ARMS. I know that the Pro Controller probably has the better layout (although that might have changed since controls are customizable now), but I think playing with motion controls is more fun, and at that point it’s a much more robust version of Wii Sports boxing, and of course you’re

I agree with you on “Tales from the Citadel” being awesome, but I thought the Jerry and toxic selves episodes were amongst the stronger episodes. Last night’s was probably one of the weakest imo, and still it wasn’t bad. It just lacked focus and was a bunch of tiny Rick (no, not that tiny Rick) and Morty episodes.

I like your thinking!

Twilight Princess. Although the Wii U version is obviously the best, back in the day, I’d say the GameCube version was superior to the Wii version just because of the better controller and NO WAGGLE. Also, Rollgoal was not an exercise in realizing that from immense pain comes the true beauty of life, which is what

Here’s the answer to all of these questions:

So is the goal to cure them, or is it mainly just goofing around at this point?

Not long, and I definitely don’t see every comic. But that makes sense. It wasn’t anything that ever really bothered me, but it just seemed funny to me. :)

Awkward Zombie wins this one. XD

I got Mario + Rabbids. I actually own this game but I haven’t played it because I want to finish Fire Emblem Echoes first. I just got it early because of Amazon Prime’s preorder 20% off deal.

Great job! I noticed no shift in quality from the fine work the regular Kotaku staff does. :)

omg I read the first page or so of Exquisite Boy and this guy is insane, yet hilarious!

Ha, I still have to remind myself that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was a crossover with Fire Emblem. Although I never played the game myself, didn’t all the Fire Emblem characters not look anything like how they looked in their actual games? Anyway, I hear the game was still quite good, which I suppose is all that