The Philosopher's Feminist

Yeaaaah no. I make my own goddamn adventures, earn my own money and drive my own car. What a revoltingly backwards worldview this child has.

I had NO idea he even had children. Or was ever going to have them, for that matter.

Same here. I used to have horrible bleeding for days, so bad that I could go through a super tampon in less than an hour. Thankfully finding the right birth control has made my periods so much more managable, but it's still not cheap when you live on a student's budget.

People are just awful. Really.

I'm curious about something... why are sororities such a big deal in the states? I'm from western Canada, and at my university if you were to join a "sorority" (as we know them), you'd be made fun of relentlessly. That's the kind of image they have here, nothing more than a joke. What do they mean to you there, and


I shop with $200 every other week/twice a month for my boyfriend and I. To some, that budget might seem over the top but we load up on fresh fruit and vegetables the most (those comprising about 60% of the grocery cart), organic milk, cheese, chicken, fish, pasta, crackers, etc. The reason we can do that is because we

And meanwhile the real world goes on starving.

Actually, that's not true. I work as a nanny, and although I do not live-in, I know that room and board and meals are deducted from every paycheck a live-in nanny gets.

Yeah... no. I found an almost identical one at the thrift store for $5.99

I absolutely love her warbrobe. If I could afford to dress like she does every day (and had the time to), I definitely would. She looks awesome!

Really though. Jezebel almost makes me ashamed to be part of this generation, even though I'm a good person and an upstanding citizen.

This is really what it comes down to. It's that simple. She doesn't seem to realize that the kind of priviledge she has is not widespread.

Really? I watched a couple episodes of her show with high expectations, because people here on Jez love her- and I really, really wanted to love her too, but I just couldn't. Something about her humor fell flat for me. Maybe I'm just not the right audience for it, but in any case, she's just not that funny.

That. bra. looks. AWESOME!

ARGH, story of my life. I'm the *sometimes* proud owner of DD breasts, but not when it comes to workouts. I need a new sports bra desperately, but can't afford the really pricey ones. Can anyone recommend one within a reasonable price range (ie. $75 or less) that will do the job?!

I actually love the dress, but I can't imagine trying to walk/sit/do anything at all in something that high cut! Eeek!!

Not at all! Liquid liner isn't hard to use, if you get the right one. It just takes a bit of practice to get it right, and I'm about the farthest thing from a makeup pro: bare essentials and off I go.

Oh I'm not trying to suggest that they might be/should be offended, it just struck me as being wrong on some level. Not all Japanese people (if any) will take offense to things like that, it really depends.

Yeeees. This bothered me. I feel like it's just more cultural appropriation (like the white models wearing Native American headdresses for fashion shows), but no one seems to think that this is inappropriate...