Nobu is a chain.
Nobu is a chain.
Email of the week is plagiarized or a repeat?
Jeff Van Gundy is a decent hater-announcer alongside Barkley.
It was a seven game series. They just lost 80% of the games so it didn’t last that long.
which warriors have 3 rings?
Whose job is it to track fox news? It’s like being the guy who has to check the child porn at the FBI.
If you want to complete catches, get better players. Gronk wouldn’t have dropped that ball. See: the ball he narrowly picked above the ground on the preceding drive. Also, if they “backed up” what a catch is, there would be 30 fumbles a game.
“Because Eli Manning has spent the bulk of his career as a slack-jawed sphinx who could be overrated or underappreciated depending upon whoever beheld him”
Tim Naehring