The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Oh, great. Now they’re gonna arsefuck the 60s.

Jimmy Pest. 

I felt that, right in my unshaved chest. 

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jack: you’re saying that your mum would put aside ethics, morals, and artistic integrity for money?!

Buncha fuckin’ neckbeards in Silicon Valley decided to put their hacker ethos bullshit on news, and also that - surprise! - the only thing of value in journalism was the thing they happened to be selling. 

It was thoroughly disappointing to see that Mary Kate Carr didn’t get fired when Barsanti did. 

I just took an exquisite dump- oh, you said less important. 

Poor Dave doesn't deserve to have to deal with a Stewart, Muzza. 

The black keys are white and the white keys are black, duh. 

I am not unconvinced that Mary Kate Carr is just Barsanti in drag. 

What’s that saying? If you date an arsehole, you dated an arsehole. If you keep dating arseholes, then you’re the arsehole...

Basically, until society accepts that journalism isn’t much of a moneymaker and stops trying to milk it for cheap clicks”

Furiousa did sorta kickstart a minor conversation about arts funding in Australia, at least. But not on the AV Club.

It’s going to be big and dumb, but I have severe doubts about the third thing. For one, it’s a video game adaptation. Those never go well.

“Hot Topic edgelord”

Just heard on the radio yesterday that one of the weirdest things about the whole Branch Davidian shenanigans was that the guy who blew the whole thing wide open (metaphorically; the guys who blew the whole thing open literally were the geniuses at the ATF) was an Australian, an ex-lieutenant of Koresh’s who was kinda

Well, dirtside, as long as we’re making polite introductions and...chit-chat...did you ever punch anyone while wearing that ring?