The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

I do like their headphones.

80s sex? University professor?

I want it to get to the point where it can defeat facial recognition. You know, without having to resort to:

And Barry Keoghan’s a weird-lookin’ dude.

And often to the detriment of other, vital industries. Look way they did to journalism, for example.

I often worry about people who like that sort of thing, because I wonder the hell they think normal relationships are like.

The Simpsons is just as good today as it was in 1994?

“We want women to treated equally- no, not like that.”

Funnily enough, on the DVDs the image quality for this particular ep is atrocious - I’m fairly certain it was the only episode shot on tape, not film. The long cuts would certainly make using tape cams more likely than film back in the 90s.

Never trust a prick who dresses like a Mumford & Son banjo tech.

I swear to unholy christ that those your picture aren’t Disney, they’re minibosses from a Bioshock game.

Holy shit - KATIE RIFE?!! 

It’s Powell's disconcerting head-to-face ratio, isn't it? 

That Mortal Kombat thing is exactly why I stopped playing Doom Eternal...the fucking platforming.

RIP Venture Bros.

I find it all hopelessly depressing, but I wonder what else was Israel supposed to do?

I tell ya, the funniest thing about this wall is watching you paw desperately for more and more hasbara as your last round of bullshit doesn’t get bought by those of us who aren’t genocidal fundamentalists.

We should probably ease up.

It’s a simple formula, really.