The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

Or that one’s twin brother: Ferris is a figment of Cameron’s imagination, or some sort of 1980s Tyler Durden split personality, that allows him to stand up to his dad. 

Now playing

I think the goal is to look like you’re making some sort of clever interpretation that others’ didn’t get. The “it was all a dream” is an easy way of doing that without having to engage with the actual plot or themes.

So, I’m gonna assume this is like most other miniseries these days: a 90 minutes-long movie’s-worth of content that spins its wheels for four hours in the middle, before finally making some progress and ending in the last half-hour.

It was a mistake letting comic book nerds into mainstream popular culture. 

Amen. It’s just a different name for “it was all a dream”.

That’s the worst thing about the Bond movies. I’m all for just going “Ok, new Bond film, and this is what’s happening in it” and treating it as a self-contained story.

This is terrible news for the world of cinema, but by god she has given us some magic.

Aw, I was hoping it was going to be the year of the yurt.

Did Mussolini make it run on time?

Now playing

Clearly, it’s TISM’s “The C Word”. Do you even need to ask?

Did Florida secede or did you finally manage to...

Oh, right. Sorry. HUD markers/waypoints that drag you by your nipples to show you where you need to go - so you don’t have to think, explore, and the devs don’t have to put any thought into game design.

Yup. It’s gonna devolve into incest; all their doing is creating a family of digital Hapsburgs.

Thought this was gonna be NordVPN sponcon for a second. 

Sorry. Best we can do is embarrassing tech companies.

“There’s no such thing as free, Will!”

The coding stuff is absolutely what it’s tailor-made for; the problem is the techbros who make this stuff think that literally everything is a coding problem and can be solved accordingly.

At 9.8m/s/s?

The Double Dutch Bus

Those people never forgave him for shooting that elephant for a simple matter of pyjama theft.