The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

You need someone who’s Southern, intimidating, but gone to seed, and Fred Thompson’s dead?

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Yeah, even back in the day it wasn’t so much funny as “Huh. Yeah. I kinda see where you’re coming from.”

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Oh, you wanna get weird with time signatures? Let’s get weird, sunshine:

And hasn’t had a Books sections since the end of 2022. 

Have a parmi at the Grand Central for me, especially if you’re there on Friday. See if they’re still putting fairy bread out on the bar.

Told ya. 

If you meet one arsehole...

And then there was that time he could a female reporter a hooker and the entire nation of Australia went on strike against him. And then he lost a drinking match with a future Prime Minister and had to apologise to the hooker. 

depending on what her FIRST impulse to deal with trolls would have been.

Oh, the Americans aren’t gonna be happy.

Jesus. These two look like they’ve been through some harrowing shit:

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Back in the 70s, we had the Australia Council, where they had a funding deal which was basically “Fuck it, you wanna make a movie? Here’s the cash”. God bless Gough Whitlam.

Like, 9 times outta 10 where I’ve seen people discuss Seinfeld characters it’s always George, Kramer, Elaine, George’s family, the memorable one-shots like the Soup Nazi or Lt. Bookman, any number of supporting characters like Puddy or Kenny Bania, Kramer’s friends you never see like Lomez or Bob Sacamano...but not

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Every time someone mentions Group B, I have to post this awesome tribute vid:

Please assume the position.

Mate, it’s now *retro*. God help me.

God, I miss the 90s, and that pseudo-New Agey vibe it had.

Only until they hit menopause.