The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

“The Sign” was legit one of the scariest episodes of TV for me. The idea of Bluey moving to another city was genuinely heartbreaking, because the whole show is one big, beautiful love letter to Brisbane, and that’s one of the things that makes it special.

I refused to believe any war photog, or any photog, actually fucking kept their cameras in the neverready case.

Exactly. Not just normal kids, but decent actors, with actual careers.

Actually, this tweaks back to one of your previous comments (that I never got around to replying to) is one of the reasons France delays releases to streamers for so long.

It’ll be interesting to see Mufasa do...favours...for other animals.


It’s Scooby Doo - bring him back as a ghost.

scribbles furiously in notebook labelled “Get Rich Quick Business Schemes”

Beating up kids is like the least offensive thing an ex-SASR trooper has done. 

Cannot believe that Richard Spencer thing was six years ago - it’s the sort of thing you’d expect happening the 1950s, not the 2010s. ‘Course, we all know why he said that - it’s not so much that he cares about Jews, but more the classic “See? [Insert outgroup here] gets to do this - why can’t I?”

He’s literally the reason I stopped watching the His Dark Materials series.

Ah, the content-milling question of our time:

They’ll do more than dance if you tithe enough...

You mean he’s the guy who ripped off...

If you watch the twitter embed video in my post, Alon Mizrahi a, well, a Mizrahi (ie, Arab Jew) author, talks exactly about that. If it’s not showing up for you, he talks about how the Mizrahi were subjugated and erased by the immigrant Ashkenazim from Europe - in a way that never happened when they lived in places

Exactly. It’s neckbeard colonialism at its finest: “You know what art needs? Guys like us. Until we came along, stupid creatives were doing silly creative things - which I declare are silly because I’m a nerd and thus smarter than them and totally not because I can’t do what they do and I’m exceedingly jealous of the

I’m sure it’s some combination of not understanding the words that are being sung and not preferring the operatic voice.

Dude, everyone knows that human cocks cannot withstand the glory of angel pussy. Where did you study theology?