The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority

You’ll be missed, BKK! You were the only one who wished me out of the gays- er, greys!

The fucking worse ones are

No wuckers.

WHAT RESHOOTS NORMALLY MEAN: “Eh, we found some stuff in the editing room that doesn’t quite work, need to redo it.”

Containing the second-greatest watermelon-related gag in Simpsons history.

Exactly. Gotta admit, I’m enjoying watching the Disney Adults absolutely lose it over this mutilation of a “Disney” creation.

So, what you’re saying is...

Once again, for the Americans:

Did she eat the wings, or just shove them up her baby hatch?

I wouldn’t call dill the dominate herb in Greek food - that’s gotta be oregano, surely?

Every time I see criticism of auteur theory trotted out online, I can’t help but think it’s just a dog-whistle for “THIS GUY RUINED STAR WARS”.

Exactly. There’s a very notable difference between two, say, authors who are on the same wavelength coming together to co-writing a book, and a bunch of coked-up MBAs with zero artistic ability or creativity or respect for any of that going “Bro, GM’s gonna give us $500,000 if we can get the protagonist driving a

I think the worst thing about Meghan Markle is that by marrying into the royal family she’s given every fucking Seppo entitlement to comment on something they only know from Disney films. 

And paedophiles. 

You guys are really going all-in on the Sydney Sweeney train, huh? 

They’ve decoupled Uncoupled!

Gillard was a good technical politician, but just a terrible retail one. That misogyny speech was well said, a great thing, and...also pretty much the only thing she’s remembered for, apart from knifing Rudd.

Now playing

As usual, the AV Club ignores the finest Australian kino.