The Pete Murray Darling Basin Authority
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You need the boys from the Chaser to show ‘em how to do it.

My view, as someone from the outside of the US pissing in from the Commonwealth, is that a lot of the tension there is from all those people who were finally as pleased as a bi-phallused basset hound that America was OMG getting a real-life princess, and the being thoroughly disappointed and pissed-off that, no,

“McDonnell Douglas bought Boeing, and got Boeing to pay for it”.

Hudson playing it as just an ordinary guy, with a family to feed, looking for a job is what made the role so great. I wouldn’t have minded Eddie’s take, but I guess it would’ve been like most of Eddie’s takes. 

Now she’s gonna end up as a fluffer for the Jamaican guys JK rowling has flown to her estate to...service her...every night.

As an aside, the thing I love most about America’s use of names is that if they use your first, middle, and last name in the news you’re a serial killer.

Riding waves, yes, but on a shark biscuit, not a surfboard.

Also, don’t know Indiana. It’s where Prince Charles spent his honeymoon.

The world would’ve been a lot better place if Tolkien just kept to shagging other dudes at Oxford instead of writing books. 

We just need to find whoever's funniest shouting "MEDIUM TALENT!" at Joel McHale. 

Chet can play the SNL official cocaine dealer. 

Or, from the title photo, BFDES MIDS. 

Oh, Fisker. Never get between a YouTuber and content. 

Wait until you find out what plane he did work on, what he said the problem was, and what plane LATAM Flight 800 was...

Yeah, if he were whistleblowing on, say, a company that makes concrete pipes? I wouldn’t believe there’s a conspiracy.

This is, like, half of the tech industry’s business model.