
As someone who used to sell for Verizon, I can tell that the VAST majority of people are either/both too stupid and too lazy to mess with anything other than exactly what they want from the phone. 

Someone wins eventually. I mean, yeah, the odds of it being you are incredibly astronomical... and those who do win often end up being worse off than they were before.

$0 because you’re not going to win.

One thing to take into account is what could be your growth if you invested the lump sum after taxes.  Assuming you take the lump sum and get 388M, if you invest this money and only received a 2% annual rate of return, you would easily exceed what you would get if you did the 30 year annuity: 702M vs. 688M.  Even

Mutli-body dynamics simulations, most all auto manufacturers use them these days.

What about all the people who bought ginormous SUVs because in a crash they want to flatten the other car...

Please provide the data you used to come to this conclusion.

Accidents are inevitable. If there was an answer to your question (which is full autonomy), it would be the priority. But for now, anything that can happen will happen.

Your argument, and supported data and figures, simply blew me away. I’m now a believer. Keep the preach train rolling brotha!

Fresh from Auto Guys ass to your computer!

I don’t know that unfair is the right term here. You’ve got two cars that do the same thing (move people and stuff from point A to point B). One of them has different design constraints due to how that thing (the ability to move stuff and people) is implemented and takes advantage of that to deliver better crash

When I worked at GM in the early 2000s, we did crash simulations on a software called LS Dyna. Obviously, the level of fidelity and sophistication has increased tremendously from then to now, but the basics were still the same. You made a finite element model (mathematical representation of the structure) from the CAD

You forgot the third front; lots of people not having access to the super-fast internet speeds you need for game streaming. And lots of people are going to continue not having that since net neutrality is dead and a new bandwidth intensive online service sounds like the kind of think ISPs will definitely charge you

First letter: No...seriously NO!!!! It’s way too soon and honestly, I have seen some couples try the “open/poly” thing. For a few it was a quick thing that they decided wasn’t for them, others led to one partner or the other breaking up with them and I know exactly one couple that have been able to make it work. ONE.

At Uni I had a cute Christian girl who came on to me by knocking on my dorm door late one night asking for a kiss. But she didn’t want sex in the preceding month or so that she toyed with the idea of being in a relationship. Her older sister - who she loved and respected - was in an in-married relationship having sex

Seconded. Run, run far, run fast, do not look back, and when you feel that you have run far enough... run another couple of blocks to be sure. That is a gigantic can of batshit-crazy you’ve opened up and the more distance between you and that business, the better.

I had to once again roll my eyes at the ultra conservatives, religious being afraid or guilted by acting on their sexual desires. I totally understand respect people who want to “save themselves” for marriage, but to not have any clue about your menstrual cycle or seeing an OBGYN is simply ridiculous.

By mid-way through the letter, I had to scroll back to the top to look at their ages again. I was super-fucking confused because I suddenly thought I was reading a letter from a high school student or college freshman.

Do you think it might have something to do with the increasing prevalence of social media? When I finished high school, a long time ago, before any social media existed, all the drama faded out because, well, the only place where drama existed was behind me. Now I think it carries over, since there’s no truly a break

This is high-school drama, not something you should be doing as grown-ass adults.