
British men are not known for aging gracefully. The exceptions to the rule are exceptions because of how much an outlier they are.

Is it possible that kids are just interested in different things, and loud cars were his generation’s thing?

I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?

How much you wanna bet he was drunk? Fled the scene, posted the video, then came back when he was sobered up.

It frustrates me that idiots like these can somehow afford nice cars, but all I can afford is a super used minivan - despite having a Bachelor’s and two Master’s degrees.
I guess it’s my fault for being a teacher and having multiple kids, though.

I assumed they pulled the video from the cars, but apparently this guy was so oblivious an idiot that he posted it online.

Chadwick, Tunnel Traffic, Corvettes, Father/Son, Instagram....this is peak NJ.  I’m guessing the mom is the second from the left?

At least it’s in landscape mode.

When asked how he felt after the incident, the driver said “rough.”

Another example of Mexico truly sending its worst criminals here. This one seemingly even bonded with a host family before trying to make off with their vehicle.

I have a question Ma’am...

How do you expect an explanation when she has a cigarette in one hand and is texting in the other?

Why was the engine running if she was pumping gas?

He’s a guy who’s made a living with humor about cars, typically old cars, what exactly are you expecting? You come off sounding pretty pretentious.

Clarkson is the key writer and driver of the show, along with Mr Wilman. I love his live and let live attitude. Anyone that wants an EV is free to buy one but if the world wants everyone in an EV, whether they want one or not, you’re going to have to wait until the current generation, that grew up and old with our beau

Runflats  . . .  and to hell with ride quality!

These cars don’t come with spares anymore!

Yeah, screw them and their totally reasonable usage of valuable brand equity acquired over half a century.

I can't wait for the Ford Mustang Ecosport, the Ford Mustang Escape, the Ford Mustang Edge, the Ford Mustang Explorer, the Ford Mustang Transit, the Ford Mustang Transit Connect, the Ford Mustang F150, the Ford Mustang F150 Raptor, and the Ford Mustang Mustang.