
When I was transiting home through Taiwan I was super confused, had a 6 hour lay over, bought some liquor, gave them my boarding pass, paid and they handed me my liquor.

Lazy writers decided about a decade ago that millenials = the youth, and haven’t updated that in a while.

Remember the Honda Prelude? Millennials won’t

Wait, I don’t understand.  Honda made a car that was for perverts.. and it did NOT sell well in Japan?   This seems to be 100% opposite of everything I’ve learned about Japanese Pop Culture from the internet.  

Also important to remember, it’s not just the snow that calls for winter tires— it’s the *temperature*, too. It could be dry as the desert on the ground but when it’s below freezing, those summer tires are just as lousy.

“the engine will start in 30 seconds, here’s an ad for the new animated movie your kids will now demand to go see.”

Once the Koreans figure out a pickup truck and a GTR killer, it’s game over for Nissan.

I have an idea for how to fix Nissan: Autoplay ads on the infotainment screen.

How sad is your life to take the time to write all this shit. I couldn’t bother myself to read it entirely.

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

Do you know what I do when the plane lands? Nothing. I sit there and relax while all the busy bees trip over themselves and get angry and work their blood pressure up trying to get two minutes ahead of each other, and when they’ve finished I leisurely stand up, grab my things, and saunter casually off. It is not

It’s really not that bad, it just shouldn’t be called a Mustang of any kind. That’s my only real gripe.

I too enjoy being pulled over and hassled by cops.

As someone who has been stalked (my ex-fiance once moved into an apartment across the street from mine because she could see into my living room window on the 15th floor and would send me emails describing what she saw on any given day), this is somewhat troubling.

Because I value teaching my kids respect for other peoples property. My son losing his Xbox because he climbed all over someones really nice car and broke something isn’t excessive (physical abuse would be), and he’ll remember not to ever do it again. Hitting my child would be excessive. There’s a good chance I

You have a key. They have a hood. Be brief.

May not have to.... like how Tennessee fined “me” for running a red light. In TN it goes to the car owner unless you can prove and are willing to Narc on someone who borrowed your car.

Now playing

I think legally in Britain, if you speed up a video, you have to add Yakkey Sax to it.

There is always the elephant in the room that an Audi R8 driving at 90 mph in a 50 mph-limit B-road in the UK is likely safer than say a Honda CR-V doing 70 mph.

“I altered the video to make it look faster before uploading to try and get more likes