
I really admire the amount of effort the developers have put into this game after the initial launch debacle.

Not a chance, my Hindu friend!

but is there a chance the track could bend?

“But they lied.”

You know what the proper solution is?


I hear they glide as softly as a cloud.

These exist for two reasons: 1) the appearance of ‘doing something’ is far more important than actually doing something and B) all those multi-billion dollar construction conglomerates need to be kept busy and profitable, since they are just poor, down-trodden ‘family’ businesses.

They already did. Elite dangerous is great and improves with each update. NMS is getting a huge crazy update next week. Dual Universe is now playable in EA I think?

While I feel for him in terms of the money lost, here’s the rub.

He has MS. It’s a disease that progressively gets worse, and one that directly interferes with the motor functions (which are critical to play 99% of games).

Even if the game was released on time, there was absolutely no guarantee that he’d be in any

Came here for this. The “without prejudice” phrase is utterly crucial and means he retains every right to have the case brought before a court again should he choose. As you suggested, it may have been the scope of his case, angle of his argument or simply a clerical hurdle that needs to be revisited before refiling.

According to documents from the West District Santa Monica courthouse, the case got dismissed without prejudice.

They’ve basically raised enough money for an ACTUAL SPACE MISSION, and it has exactly zero chance of ever yielding anything like what they promised, and a very slim chance of ever resulting in a finished product at all...and they keep asking for more!

Are you kidding? That would mean actually giving people what they want, and we all know that’s not how EA operates.

Im a 60$ backer of mighty no. 9......

As much as I want to be like “Well, that’s crowdfunding.” the fact of the matter is the Star Citizen shitshow is so far outside the norm... They’ve basically raised enough money for an ACTUAL SPACE MISSION, and it has exactly zero chance of ever yielding anything like what they promised, and a very slim chance of

One of these days we’ll finally get a chance to fly around in space exploring and fighting in personalized ships... and some time after that Star Citizen should come out.

The biggest scam ever in video game history, probably one of the largest across all industries, yet people will defend this shit til the day they die and how it’s not a scam.

Eh, I feel like he has a stronger reason to feel burnt given they changed the game from the original pitch and made it impossible for him to even physically play it any more due to medical issues. With that being said, I feel like people should treat crowdfunding like gambling: don’t spend more than you’re willing to

Well that’s a shame, this was the only DLC I was remotely interested in. Plus, I figured we’d be playing as the guy you help teleport into space, the one who leaves the funky microwave shotgun when you’ve finished the mission

Ha! You know what doesn’t go on a hot dog? Celery salt, pickles, cucumbers, tomatoes, relish (this one is slightly controversial). But ketchup is where the line is drawn?

This car was a Katie’s that morning. Driver stuffed it at 7:45am about 1.3 miles after leaving the parking lot.