Asking your wife's permission to buy a Dodge Dart ranks just above manscaping her boyfriend.
Asking your wife's permission to buy a Dodge Dart ranks just above manscaping her boyfriend.
You seem to have forgotten the point they were making about the dart, ie that it's absolutely terrible?
“Interesting" gets it no higher than $2k for me.
Gimme whoever’s keychain's rocking the starter buttplug.
Didn't they make Land Rovers in Spain?
Hairy legs
Nowadays people say key parties never happened, simply because swingers are extremely picky and cliquish and would never agree to fuck just anybody picked out of a bowl.
That's 150 gross hp. Which is like 100 real hp.
What’s masculinity got to do with it?
In fact, running off with investor’s money is kind of an American tradition so old it is essentially Americana.
$15K for an old A4 with broken AC?
Who’s Tom?
Wasn’t he always seen cruising around in a Kuomintang?
Can any American folks shed some light on why Coca-Cola is so big over here?
Is this supposed to be allegorical?
Andrew is a very cool dude. Also, he shares my bizarre love of Monteros. I hope he sticks around as a commenter.
That was the most invigorating night of my professional life, and that next morning, Andrew and I felt like the kings of the world, walking through the Auto Show like we were hot shit.
Any manufacturer is capable of making a lemon.
How did they manage to get — oh, clock.