Back when NPOCP was a door game.
Back when NPOCP was a door game.
Ok, but ETFs have expenses just like mutual funds.
It all comes down to the mental games people play to feel superior to others. That might mean a more expensive car or a cheaper one, or it might mean they feed their kids organic milk or they pay good money for a video of the neighbor's wife and her young Black boyfriend.
Many thanks. It's all coming back now, like brain herpes.
Because if we weren't in a bubble, index funds wouldn't have to buy the underlying securities? Help me out here. I know you're smarter than the rest of us but explain your thinking.
Just like "no commission" money changers.
Robinhood would let them buy ETFs right? Burton Malakiel what's up.
Put that money in a house expansion or in bitcoin.
Buddy the exact same shit was said about the stock market two hundred years ago. It doesn't make it untrue, but it does it make it old news.
Softbank could've been just balancing the book on a private trade you know nuthin about. Who deals out in the open these days anyway?
Writing calls is the anti fomo.
Fundamental rule of options is the houses write them and mom and pop buy them. You know which way the time premium goes and who always wins.
Remind me what gamma is? I'm way out of practice. I know what alpha and beta are.
So what was the fundamental bet of the straddle? That they knew exactly how much the stock would rise from index inclusion, and it would rise no more than that? Could’ve just sold some out of the money calls and been done and munching on that fat beta premium.
Their stock is their main product. CMGI all over again.
Don’t worry. Investment shaming is one of the many ways in which people try to assert moral superiority. Though the usual line around here is you can't possibly be allowed to enjoy cars if you aren't destitute.
Are you writing from 2005?
The fuck, Rob?
The official vehicle of Warrior Special Offers
Most likely the buyer will be deep underwater even before maintenance costs hit.