They laughed when I sat down at the piano...
They laughed when I sat down at the piano...
“Last time I smoked this shit, I turned into a cockroach.”
Must’ve suffered some serious skoda.
The Good Soldier Svejk, film adaptation (colorized)
Around the same time, I had a teenage acquaintance who got busted by US Customs for attempting to import a large quantity of cocaine. His entire criminal defense consisted of showing that he was not distributing, only personally consuming, ergo documenting that 1) He really did snort so much cocaine that this was all…
Better than a cigarette habit and a coke boat.
If by "issue" you mean "cool part."
a e s t h e t i c
They’re here for at least a quarter of an hour...
Why not both?
If you think boats are an expensive hobby, I’d like to introduce you to airplanes.
Some European companies give their employees a fleet gas card, even for commuting to work. It’s possible. Or more likely, who cares? Paying $100 for a memorable trip in a memorable vehicle every weekend is not a particularly expensive hobby.
Gross. I bet they kiss girls.
Horseness is the whatness of allhorse.
When I bought a nonrunning 1996, the harness was over $1,000 secondhand and I couldn't find a mechanic who wanted the job. Maybe my experience was unusually bad. I ended up selling that car for the same $1000 I'd paid for it.
That is one of the most incorrect things I’ve ever read here.
Wrong. 1992 and up.
Spoken like someone who learns about cars from hanging around the Napa parking lot.
Correct. Engine wire harness.
Because everything actually is racist.