Acura CL owner checking in, and this thing is nice.
Acura CL owner checking in, and this thing is nice.
The reverse beeping can be turned off with a VCI cable and Techstream. I may have done so on a Hertz Prius I once had for a few months.
What’s shadowbanning? Is that not the same as grays?
It already happened. This Craigslist flipper is who she sold it to.
It’s too old to drive, but it’s worth $8K? And it’s somehow spontaneously sprouted dealer plates? This asshole paid no more than $1,000 for it at trade or auction.
Bro. It’s 2020 already bro.
China is that way ---->>>
That and even in most first world countries, cops can pull you over and search you just because they feel like it.
Not really. People pulling guns on cops is a lot rarer in (most) other countries.
Eugene, Oregon replaced some cops with mental health counselors.
Cops are civilians, dumbass. Go read the Constitution.
Fuzzy memory, but didn’t/doesn’t Pennsylvania have traffic enforcement officers who aren’t cops?
Black and orange, reminds him of his favorite “dating” app.
I don’t think you understand what free speech means. It means no government censorship. It doesn’t mean no social consequences.
Who’s this guy again and why should we care?
After using one at a “young scientists” internship, I lusted after an sgi Indy (running irix!) with the force of a thousand autistic suns. These days I almost want to get an Indy on eBay just so I could check off that childhood fantasy.
I recall wondering as a young child how cyan had gotten onto the four essential colors list.
Seat belts were federally mandated equipment since 1968.
Well yeah but big sick was making some kind of grand macrosocial observation about DOS users.
What I wouldn’t do for a 5-speed Manuel.