Teh Penguin of Doom

Didn’t she go crazy and start spouting alien conspiracies?

Panel. Generally for installing a 2-way radio for your fleet.

think about a Venn diagram from that era of MS-DOS users and Chevy buyers.

The good news is that, aside from a bit of a coolant leak into the oil, the Jeep works well.

Whereas I used to look out at my cars and see their incredible histories, their amazing mechanical intricacies, and their beautiful styling as the ultimate form of true, soulful art, now all I see is steel, aluminum, and plastic held together with fasteners.

You know her? Guess we're Eskimo bros now. 

Checking the trunk for mom's purloined cranium. 

Holy shit, updating the technology used in a machine, blasphemy! Does your Fleshlight still require a bicycle pump?

This is how it’s done.

honesty and simplicity of the original Defender.

It’s almost like they’re trying to make money from their brand!

The Gwagen is completely destroyed. Never heard of anyone (meaning any government or NGO or terrorist group) buying G for utility work in the past twenty years.

just re-start Discovery production

This is a huge question, but to what would you attribute the advancement? Is it just the continuous innovation of plugging away (on the car and on the tools used to design it)?

I love you.

There’s a lot written on the subject:

Hope his crotch has a working evap filter. 

I always thought the AMG GT looks just like the dickmobile. 

I love it when they play butch.