
When we were looking for pup to enjoy being outside with us in the winters, we looked into getting a Husky, but didn’t have the space. Tried to find an Alaskan Klee Kai (mini Husky?), no luck. Found this guy, runt of his litter, last to be adopted, sheds like crazy!

Here’s my Siberian Husky buddy, Linux. He’s 5. Finally learned that naps are pretty cool. He’s a good boy with bad habits that stem from my boyfriend having acquired him while living with 5 other early-twenties dudes who had ZERO interest in enforcing training rules (like no human food for the doggy). Now we just have

I’ve owned a Siberian for 12 years and let me tell you....NOTHING prepares you for the maintenance and attention they require. Took me forever to outdoor train him, and the hair sheds off in HUGE amounts. Amazing dogs tho, and one of the most intelligent out there. Here he is!

Read the schedule to find the bus that arrives at your destination at the preferred time, then arrive at the bus station an hour early, because bus schedules are a farce.

Chicago: If you use the bus tracker and if you make trips that involve making bus connections, the CTA has a page that lets you make your own tracker pages that will show how long you’ll wait for your connection.

Did all those concern trolls give Chance the Rapper a hard time for having a kid so early in his career too?

Chicago IS pretty liberal. It is also pretty racist, too. And I’ve never seen surveillance camera footage that didn’t look like someone had smeared vaseline on the lens, I swear I don’t even know what the point is half the time.

I’m not young any longer, but I can be just as dumb as she’d like.

No, I don’t.  But this girl needs to be careful.  He might take anything she might have (again, probably blown on coke, but you gotta draw a line somewhere). 


Bless your heart.

Maybe someday his wife will give birth to a sentient ear, so Adam will be able to empathize with all of us who have to hear his shitty music. 

MBJ: I don’t only date white women.

I would do this but I ship Lupita with myself and i’m not good at sharing.

I think you hit the nail on the head. The woman charters allowed agency and to be just as shallow/murderous/stubborn as their male counterparts are the ones the audience roots for because there usually free of hypocrisyand their motivations are clearer.

oh wow. I was just gonna crybrag about my 7y 10m (2004-2012), but I accept defeat before you.

Wives of antiheroes get the absolute worst rap because they tend to act in a narrow set of functions. They’re either unknowing roadblocks like Rita on Dexter, completely ignorant of their husband’s deeds and always making needy phone calls at highly inopportune moments, which case people hate them for being oblivious

I actually hadn’t seen Breaking Bad until the final season had just ended. I also somehow avoided any spoilers, never read anything or talked to anyone about it. So I went into not expecting anything and just absorbing the story as I watched without opinions from anyone else.

See also: Betty Draper in Mad Men.