The Peanut Master

Considering Bronn is highly likely to have sold out Shae for her to testify at the trial, I'd be shocked if he came up to bat for Tyrion again. Jaime would surprise me as well for the reason you state, as well as the fact that I'm not sure how strong a fighter he is yet with his left hand. That's why I'm still firmly

Yeah, whirlpool is being too kind to Tumblr, I'll give you that…

Those YouTube comment sections… gets ya every time, I tells ya.

I don't think it's fair to compare these two actors using these respective performances because you're comparing a lead to essentially a supporting character. Because Cranston was given such an incredible, screen-heavy character to play, he is able to showcase his acting ability to a much greater degree than Dinklage,

I kinda took it as he wrote that and meant to go back and finish his thought later but then he didn't, as in "as well he should be in an episode where blah blah blah happens…" but fuck if I know.

Yeah this makes too much sense not to happen now that it's been suggested. Great call, and assuming it does happen I'm pumped to see it play out.

I mean yeah, that whole trial and everyone who testified was some bullshit, but none of the other people who testified Tyrion really cared about. We know he cared for Shae immensely and did everything he could to save her and make the best out of an impossibly fucked situation, and for Shae to cross him like this and

Give the man a Nobel Peace Prize too while we're at it, because if that performance can't bring the world together surely nothing else can.

Oh idiotking, where art thou in our time of need?


I believe that, but I don't think that absolves Shae of all guilt. I saw the way she spoke about Tyrion as being quite genuine and full of completely misplaced anger, which still makes her in my mind a lying bitch.

Not only that, but they take *forever* to get published, especially in comparison to Todd's expert reviews, which are going up much quicker. Really makes me feel fortunate to live on the west coast.

Tumblr is shipping Theon and Ramsay?

Those dragon-meat goats, on the other hand…

Minor failing indeed, I will admit that. I mean, we are essentially on the same level on Canada's far and away #1 sport, which is our distant #4 sport. Enough fucking said.

So… it has to be asked: More disappointing given the context of the games and the games themselves: USA women chokejob against Canada or USA men totally outclassed by Canada?

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme! Get on up, it's bobsled time! COOOOOOOOOOOL RUNNINGS!!!!

Obligatory GO BLUE

The long-distance cross country (which is admittedly most of cross country) is pretty boring and uninteresting to watch, but the track and field-esque cross country skiing that was on today (and which had USA medal contenders to boot) would have been amazing in primetime. I'm not particularly complaining because I

Obligatory GO BLUE