The Peanut Master

I simply wasn't able to appreciate Continental Breakfast having never seen The Shining when this episode aired (I know, I know, boo for me), but I just saw the movie finally and immediately came back to this sketch to marvel at how incredible it is. The obvious allusions have already been pointed out, but might I add

NBC is streaming every second of the Olympics live online. I don't care how bad their primetime coverage is (and it can get pretty fucking bad), I give them all the credit in the world for their streaming services.

Not to get all anal up in this tight butthole, but the review-grade synergy seemed way off here. This read like a solid B+/A- review, and yet it gets a B-? In grade-inflated TV Club Land, a B- might as well be an F.

Also not as good as the brilliant tag from a few seasons ago ("So I go out the way I way I came in?"), but this still ranks up there.

A fitting first comment for the utter insanity that is the Girls comment section. This should be fun.

Aaron Paul didn't win? RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT

Biastioc, you sick, crazy son of a bitch, you've done it again.

Although that would be really hilarious, unless I have a split personality I'm not aware of, I am not that person (also, I'm unemployed; but, I'm in college, so yay). But rest assured, me and the person you know are far from the only ones stuck here.

I certainly had a whale of a time watching the documentary, that's for sure.

I'm traveling from LA (my beautiful, beautiful sweet home) to the midwest today, so fuck you very much.


The complete list of shows: EVERY FUCKING SHOW ON TELEVISION.

Eh, that actually makes sense in my mind. He's threatening to kill a member of Rick's group in an effort to get Rick to change his mind and move out; no doubt Rick values the life of Herschel over Michonne given their closer history, so I can see why the Gov would threaten and then kill Herschel in that moment.

I actually watched Zero Dark Thirty literally one day before this episode on a plane, and it was pretty uncanny how similar the vibes were between the two.

So Syd Field was my grandma's first cousin, and I knew him fairly well. It's really weird to see the AV Club and other news outlets reporting his death, as he's the one and only near-celebrity in my family. Not criticizing at all or anything, but this is just a very strange experience.

Oh the irony of upvoting this comment…

Gravity Falls says hello.

Gravity Falls says hello.

That entire situation from start to finish was wildly unrealistic, coming from someone with severe allergies to nuts. The rest of the episode was so good I was able to ignore it for the most part, but everything about it was so dissociated from how an incredibly dangerous, life-threatening situatn such as that would

That entire situation from start to finish was wildly unrealistic, coming from someone with severe allergies to nuts. The rest of the episode was so good I was able to ignore it for the most part, but everything about it was so dissociated from how an incredibly dangerous, life-threatening situatn such as that would