The Peanut Master

I think the biggest reason I'm going to keep watching this is to see how long it takes for Amy to speak a single word on the show.

It's almost like the AV Club's stable of writers is going through its own The Leftovers, and much like the show it would appear that all the sane, reasonable, people-we-would-presumably-give-a-shit-about are the ones that disappeared.

The biggest plot hole is the fact that the smoking cult members carry around pads of paper and not whiteboards with erasers. I mean, if you have to communicate through writing, wouldn't it make the most sense to use whiteboards?

Actually in this case, "hey, opinions" doesn't even suffice, because "no one watches that show" is objectively, factually incorrect, because it is in fact a legitimate "thing".

Looks like the reason for that is because all those background actors were listed in alphabetical order, 2 at a time.

Say that to me in 24 hours…

*googles the actress who plays Jessica to check the validity of your reason to continue watching*

I'm one of those classic Americans who hates the living fuck out of soccer *except* for the World Cup, when my overwhelming jingoism crushes my general hatred of the "sport" and I become deeply engrossed in the United States' always-doomed quest for glory.

Noooo, Falling Skies has been dropped from coverage! Where else am I going to commiserate over all the failed potential of another post-apocalyptic sci-fi show on basic cable??

I'm still trying to figure out how Adams called this show "second-tier" with a presumably straight face. This like the definition of first-tier television, from a quality perspective, from a production perspective, and from a how-it-ingratiates-itself-in-the-national-conversation perspective.

"If you're hoping for a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
- Slogan for law-abiding massage parlors across the country

That line saved that scene for me. It was getting a bit too supernatural for my taste up to then, but then three-eyed raven dude drops that line and I'm like "okay, that was totally badass"

Glad someone mentioned this. I shit you not, I've never seen such incredible similarities between child actor and adult actor. Are we sure Danielle Brooks doesn't have a (much) younger sister?

Actually, this has happened to me a couple times where I pee in a dream but I definitely am not peeing in real life, I still have to go when I wake up and my bed's not wet. So different strokes for different folks, I guess…

The fact that you're re-using the same headache pun made a couple hours ago is a real head-scratcher.

And Daenarys is the looming spectre of concussions that threatens to wipe out the entire ga —

I admit it doesn't really make that much sense, but I think the argument can be made that the unsullied are ashamed/embarrassed/humiliated by their castrations and do not want to show that part of them to anyone else. Furthermore, it's actually used as sort of a legit plot point between Missandei and Dany as they

You know at first I was a bit confused and wanted it clarified, but now I'm not so sure it wouldn't have been better if it just hadn't been clarified at all. Cause Jesus fucking Christ man.

In this analogy however, Tywin is the umpire, and the umpire is Jim Joyce, and Joyce be like "fuck the rules y'all you're dead man"

So, um, this. It's comment threads like this that sometimes make me regret reading even newbie reviews because viewers that are so much more perceptive than me put the pieces together and make obvious-in-hindsight calls that remove the element of surprise from future episodes.