The Peanut Master

Wait, even Breaking Bad?

Wait, even Breaking Bad?

Breaking Bad has one more episode after tonight, and then there's Childrens Hospital, NTSF, Alphas, and Gravity Falls. Broaden your horizons pl0x.

Breaking Bad has one more episode after tonight, and then there's Childrens Hospital, NTSF, Alphas, and Gravity Falls. Broaden your horizons pl0x.

I think it was pretty clear (to me at least) that his ability was being able to climb walls or ceilings Spiderman-style with web hands or something of that sort, but he was clearly a victim like all the other Alphas in the episode.

I think it was pretty clear (to me at least) that his ability was being able to climb walls or ceilings Spiderman-style with web hands or something of that sort, but he was clearly a victim like all the other Alphas in the episode.

I'm an incoming freshman and I didn't get at least 70% of the references in that list. Is that the point? Do I win the game? Why the fuck did I give enough of a shit to read the list in the first place? These are the important questions…

I'm an incoming freshman and I didn't get at least 70% of the references in that list. Is that the point? Do I win the game? Why the fuck did I give enough of a shit to read the list in the first place? These are the important questions…

I'm cooooooooking in the rain…

I'm cooooooooking in the rain…

I imagine you're not a fan of Easy Rider then

I imagine you're not a fan of Easy Rider then

I thought he was using some Stephen Hawking-type contraption

I thought he was using some Stephen Hawking-type contraption

Ah, the classic pre-Community Alison Brie ogling… how sweet…

Yes! Second episode came out today, and it's such a small time commitment (the entire run is literally 140 minutes to this point) there's really little excuse not to watch it. Quite the intriguing show, really makes you think and actually use your imagination, a real rarity for television these days.

Yes! Second episode came out today, and it's such a small time commitment (the entire run is literally 140 minutes to this point) there's really little excuse not to watch it. Quite the intriguing show, really makes you think and actually use your imagination, a real rarity for television these days.


@avclub-d12cfd57f077ca324ce6578da67b7592:disqus How exactly did you find the 4x100 relay? I went to the streaming schedule and all it said was "CONCLUDED" without letting me click the link to watch it, which I took to mean they didn't want people not tuning in on primetime because they were able to watch the replay

@avclub-d12cfd57f077ca324ce6578da67b7592:disqus How exactly did you find the 4x100 relay? I went to the streaming schedule and all it said was "CONCLUDED" without letting me click the link to watch it, which I took to mean they didn't want people not tuning in on primetime because they were able to watch the replay