The Peanut Master

Delusion within a delusion! Inception mother fucker!

Delusion within a delusion! Inception mother fucker!

The cable Up All Night?

The cable Up All Night?

I can't be the only one who hoped for a half second when Ben started to put his arm around Matt that he was gonna shove Matt off because
a. Matt is a really annoying kid and
b. That would be a really interesting, very dark twist to take

I can't be the only one who hoped for a half second when Ben started to put his arm around Matt that he was gonna shove Matt off because
a. Matt is a really annoying kid and
b. That would be a really interesting, very dark twist to take

Jesus man way to drop that Mad Men spoiler mid-post like that. Not cool dude

Jesus man way to drop that Mad Men spoiler mid-post like that. Not cool dude

I don't so

I don't so

There's definitely more aliens on Falling Skies than there are zombies on Walking Dead, but I will say that when the zombies do show up, it really is an impressive sight. The characters and writing on The Walking Dead may be mostly shit, but the production values (as others have pointed out) and zombie attacks are

There's definitely more aliens on Falling Skies than there are zombies on Walking Dead, but I will say that when the zombies do show up, it really is an impressive sight. The characters and writing on The Walking Dead may be mostly shit, but the production values (as others have pointed out) and zombie attacks are

You don't even know how much I was expecting exactly that to happen, especially with the skitter-lighting-Ben-up stuff that had already been going on in the episode. Very impressed they didn't go that route.

You don't even know how much I was expecting exactly that to happen, especially with the skitter-lighting-Ben-up stuff that had already been going on in the episode. Very impressed they didn't go that route.

Yep and I believe they did at least one or two of those last season. I have to say, for whatever reservations I may have about the writing and acting, the directing, cinematography, and editing is top-notch for a TV show, and with a seemingly bigger budget for this season I anticipate more of the same, with better CGI

Yep and I believe they did at least one or two of those last season. I have to say, for whatever reservations I may have about the writing and acting, the directing, cinematography, and editing is top-notch for a TV show, and with a seemingly bigger budget for this season I anticipate more of the same, with better CGI

Yay for Alphas love!!

Yay for Alphas love!!

Welcome back AROUND!!

But let's not kid ourselves here: There is only one truly tight butthole answer to this question.