
Shoe la la!!!

Just like me and my family.

Well, yeah, with the cost of living in Seattle you have to charge 40.

They have presidential potential.


What do you want for Christmas?

More appropriate for a plane crash.

How the heck did he get mail on, what is that? Paper?

I refuse to believe that.

who has made just over $11 million over the course of his career

That’s the nice thing about deep-frying turkeys. You don’t have to defrost them at all. Just pop them in frozen.

Bringing in Graham Zusi should be the last straw. Klinsman has to go for that.


Which state is that? Denial?

I haven’t had a chance to read the article yet, but I see what looks like a couple of thieves in orange leading the pack in that pic.

If you were an outer-space alien and you stumbled into a human kitchen, which appliance do you think would be the most perplexing?

Ken Bone?

It was probably more of a Kafkaesque terror sort of thing where you are being punished but for something you don’t remember doing. And the horror has stayed with you!! What a great haunted house.

The Walden of the Puck? You mean the Thoreau of the...Toe Drag. I dunno. I wanted alliteration there.

three centers, one giant trench coat. problem solved.