

At this point, in order to create a militia capable of fighting a tyrannical government, wouldn't we need more than guns? I'm going to get some drones! Does Lockheed Martin do private transactions?

Your attitude is toxic!

That was pretty bad, but it's not fair to take away his scholarship for one bad free throw. I'm writing to the athletic director!

Quick! Someone shoot a bear cub to give these fans something to cheer about!

Exactly the sort of person I look to for fashion advice!

What are you, like, 40 years old, GRAMPS!!!

Looks like SOMEONE has never worn the anklet for dancing after dropping one a million dollar punk!!!

Sorry, I phrased that wrong. It is crazy.

It's not crazy to posit that a creative force exists, but it is crazy to attribute motives and desires to such a force. I don't think you can really develop much of a religion out of the simple idea that a creative force may exist in the universe. Unless you're just speaking on the idea that agnosticism is more the

Such beautiful poetry! Rap is definitely at its peak!

Did that shot go in!?

I am enjoying her tribute to Frida Kahlo though.

That really upset you, huh?

That lady needs a whoopin'!

60 days seems a little quick. I always wait at least 3 years before contacting I girl I'm interested in.

I've never even had nutella in my life!!!!!! But if it eat it now I might regret my previous years, so i better not.

Do people eat nutella with peanut butter?

well, every word was made up at some point.

How could anyone be expected to remember a show that went off the air like a year and a half ago!