
Thanks for the info I most definitely had some misconceptions about the game.

I am not much for playing team based shooters just because I would be low level and pretty awful at them. But that Arcade mode sounds pretty interesting and might actually get me to pick up the game and check it out.

7ish hours is not bad for an FPs glad to hear it had a good scifi story might have to pick it up used.

Luckily for me our ballot is a paper ballot where you fill in the boxes of whom you want to vote for.

I am one of those people that plays fps for their single player campaign out of curiosity how long in the single player campaign?

When it comes out will probably have to upgrade my graphics card currently have an Nvidia GTX 960.

I will say this I can not stand Hillary and I think she is the most corrupt politician of our time and I think the DNC is everything they accuse the RNC of being.

Yeah like Hillary Clinton is not physically , intellectually, and morally repugnant give me break. Let’s face it both candidates are horrible and neither one of them has any business being President. It is like South Park has been saying this year we have a choice between a giant douche or turd sandwich.

Sorry but the Clintons especially Bill have no business bringing up sexual assault especially because of Bill’s history. Also let us not forget about the Clinton foundation having to refile 5 years of taxes a couple of years ago because they either under reported or over reported or did not bother reporting at all

“Wolf Hall” was awesome Damian Lewis was great as Henry the VIII.

Any Republican that votes for Hillary is really not a true Republican because if they were they would not vote for Hillary and allow her to have the potential of nominating 3 or more Justices for the Supreme Court and we all know darn well she will not appoint Justices that that will judge cases based on if they are

Okay thanks for the info because I have been looking forward to whenever it comes out.

I totally forgot about that YIIK a Post Modern JRP when is that due out?

Now playing

In regard to the first letter 38 year old virgin here, much like the writer I got hung up on being a virgin. Getting down on myself by saying things like “Well if I ever went on a date with a girl and it went far enough to have sex, then it would be horrible for her and she no longer what to see me.” or would say “

I rarely buy fps when they launch or play them for that matter but based on this article I am seriously thinking about picking this up tomorrow because the single player campaign sounds right up my alley.

I am not even a baseball fan but even I watched the game tonight it was an awesome game and I am glad I stayed up to watch the end of it.

Actually have a question can you easily do missions with other players without having to talk on a mic?

That is an awesome story I love reading stuff like that.

Interesting article Mr. Totilo have never played The Division but was thinking about it getting it now just because it is so cheap used and checking it out even though I would probably play solo.

You are right it is a constant struggle I am 38 now and like you when I was 18 i was 176 and about 4-5 months ago I started dieting, I pretty much cut out all bread and all bread related products and fried foods from my diet and cut down my red meat intake and I have gone from 263-234.