I agree with him everybody on some level is a wanker me included.
I agree with him everybody on some level is a wanker me included.
I just finished Rise of the Tomb Raider and it was a very enjoyable experience and actually got me in the mood to go back and play the reboot again.
I had no idea they could run out of game keys learn something new every day.
On all of my systems I turn off achievements notifications because they did not enhance my enjoyment of the game.
Ashley’s dislike for aliens is a bit understandable though considering the fact during the First Contact War her grandfather surrendered to the Turians to save his men and because of that he gets black balled in the military and so does his entire family.
Hmm will probably be switching between Star Wars Old Republic Online, Star Trek Online, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Civ VI just depends what my mood is and speaking of Star Trek for your enjoyment.
I honestly go back and replay Mass Effect every now and then.
Totally agree taking the wait and see approach with the Nintendo Switch.
That is one thing I found funny about the advertisement that it did not have a single kid in it yet to me the console still felt like it was meant more for kids.
Yup you are correct from what I remember I am sure the Switch will be a good system just as of right now it is not must by for me but a wait an see.
Oh i agree it does look promising this is a long shot but if Nintendo announced it would be region free that would nearly elevate the Nintendo Switch to must buy when it comes out well for me it does anyway.
You are absolutely right about 3rd party support for the 3DS.
Oh I agree with you I am sure Nintendo has thought about the battery issue and would it be nice to have the option to buy a more powerful battery.
It is a cool looking console and I liked the concept I just hated the slice of life stuff in the advertisement itself.
So how long is the single play campaign?
Awesome news Red Dead Redemption is my favorite Rock Star game.
Love Red Dead Redemption especially when Marston goes into Mexico for the first time it is still one of my favorite video game moments of all time.
Will probably continue playing Dragon Quest Builders and Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni might switch back to Mafia III which I took a break from to play Dragon Quest Builders. Tuesday I will be playing Exist Archive.
I will admit when I first read the title to the article I had a knee jerk reaction thinking “ Oh great another feminists who is going to lecture us and tell us we should be ashamed for liking fan service or something like that”
Kino’s Journey such a fantastic yet heartbreaking series.