this really isnt fair to dogmeat. he does fine until youre sending him after power-armored dudes with machine guns- at least in FO1 (he's a little overpowered in 2, 3, and arcanum).
this really isnt fair to dogmeat. he does fine until youre sending him after power-armored dudes with machine guns- at least in FO1 (he's a little overpowered in 2, 3, and arcanum).
There have been some serious man-titties this year. Starting to worry about objectification of the male form.
Godspeed to anyone looking to post a reasonable and rational response to this representing either side of the debate.
thank you for accurately describing the whole xbox one outrage
it's because he's got a 10" weenus and you smell like butter beer
I've been enjoying both titanfall and mercenary kings- and my 360 only gets turned on for the two telltale series- but most of my time is going to danganronpa and the new shadowrun.
I believe that's a cravat
what you're talking about is the Herman miller embody. It meets all of your requirements (if purchased through the manufacturer with their lifetime warranty)
most Herman miller chairs have hefty warranties built in. Id shoot them an email.
sitting in my embody chair, I imagine this is what it feels like to be a member of the PC master race.
Wait - I thought this comedy wasn't.... tongue in cheek
While I don't disagree- a risky website to have that opinion on
Annnnd now they're orgcore celebrities nothington.
The irony of this does not escape me. Doesn't make me wrong in this case though.
UGH. fuck the internet.
If this results in Snowcrash- I'm down.
"Hey wanna try out this weird game" was a ridiculously successful pickup line for me back when this first came out. Interesting women love to roll things up, apparently.
Cool lets get some more articles on GameCube vaporizers and Chinese underwear robots who make sushi
My post wasn't intended to be an all-inclusive list of indie gems on both systems. My point was that Sony needs to build up a quick back log in order to keep up with their ps plus free games on ps4 and that indie ports are the easiest and cheapest way for them to accomplish that (outlast and don't starve being the…
While I don't disagree with you- I feel like there's more to it than that (disclosure I own an xbone and a vita). Mostly that I feel Sony has built up their customer appreciation on the back of the ps plus free games system (after the whole psn disaster and the need to charge for online) and are desperate to fill up a…